Dental students self-assessment of their performance in a preclinical endodontic practice
22nd International Conference on Dental Education
April 09-10, 2018 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Minseock Seo

Wonkwang University, South Korea

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Dental education consists of both theoretical and practical learning for students. When dental students encounter practical courses as a new educational experience, they must also learn to evaluate themselves. The aim of this study was to investigate the self-assessment scores of third year dental students and compare with the scores graded by the faculty in preclinical endodontic practice in a dental school in Korea. Faculty- and student-assigned scores were calculated from preclinical endodontic practice performed on phantom patients. The students were formally instructed on grading procedures for endodontic treatment. After each step, each item was assessed by the student. The studentsā?? self-assessment score was then compared to the score by the faculty. The students were divided into four groups by analyzing the scores of self-assessment and faculty-assessment, and statistically analyzed by summing the theoretical and practical examination scores. In the theoretical exam score, the group who over-estimated their performance (H group) was lower than the group with lower evaluation (L group). When comparing the first and last score determined by the faculty, H groups didnā??t show any improvement, while the other group did. In H group, the less improvement of the self-assessment, the higher the theoretical exam score. In L group, the higher improvement of the self-assessment, the better the theoretical exam score. The results point to the need to develop studentsā?? self-insight with more exercises and practical training.