Verena Hein
Coaching Practice 4academy, Germany
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychiatry
More and more people the German population makes use from coaching and self-payed psychotherapy offered by nonmedical psychotherapists. Coaches/therapists are faced with different challenges. They have to help the clients/patients to solve the problems in a quite short time. Especially coaches have to focus on the topics of the clients. They have to establish a therapeutic relation in a very short time. A third part of the German population is affected by mental illness. In addition, the hidden prevalence and the rate of 12 month prevalence are increasing. Because of that coaches and therapists have to be aware about the stress history and mental diseases about which the clients/patients do not speak or do not know. The Polyvagal-Theory describes the three parts and five states of the autonomous nervous system (ANS). The first and oldest part is the dorsal vagus nerve/complex (DVC, Freeze state), the second is the sympathetic nervous system (SNS, Fight/Flight state) and the third is the ventral vagus nerve/complex (VVC, Safety state, correlated with the Social Engagement System, SES). The Polyvagal-Theory helps to understand the behavior of the clients/patients as well as the possible root cause for several problems. The problems of the client/patients are often coupled with a situation and one of the stress states of the ANS. Coaching and therapy methods should mind the problem correlated stress state and the pre-dominant ANS state. The presentation will illustrate this presumption at three different cases of coaching clients. The three examples are physical and mental healthy, experienced scuba divers who reported the same problem. The coaching process and the methods were adapted to observations about the pre-dominant ANS state, used the SES activation method EmpAtECS® and different interventions. The goal was to reach the ANS state SES for the process and the bygone situation.
Verena Hein is professionally qualified as a Personal Coach (2006 Institut fuer Lernsysteme, ils), Hypno-Coach (2007 Dr. B. Migge Institut Westphalen-Lippe), Therapist for Dolphin Assisted Therapy (2012 B. Weitzmann, Benidorm, Spain), Non-medical Psychotherapist (2017 Germany). She graduated with a BSc Psychology (2014 University Hagen, Germany) and studies presently at the University of Hagen (MSc Psychology). She works in her own company, the Coaching Practice 4academy, since 2010 as Personal and Business Coach and non-medical Psychotherapist. She is a Dive Leader and offers special coaching concepts for scuba divers. In her first profession she is a scientist (1988 Diplom-Kristallograph, University Leipzig Germany), and works as a Technical Coordinator for global projects in reliability of microelectronics. She uses her experience in the industry to develop and to adapt coaching concepts for engineering offices and knowledge workers. Her special topics of interest are the management of complexity, techniques to encourage creativity, stress and anxiety reduction especially for scuba divers and burnout prevention.