Continuous employee quality of working life inquiry gamifies leadership development
World Congress & Expo on Healthcare IT and Nursing
August 21-22, 2018 | Paris, France

Marko Kesti

University of Lapland, Finland

Keynote: Health Care Current Reviews


Staff is not only a cost; as an investment, it may form a competitive advantage. When companies start implementing continuous performance management, they need effective feedback tools. This is especially important at fast changing environment and service oriented work, which are characteristics for example at healthcare organizations. Line-managers tend to be process oriented; aiming to maximize the operative work, but the organization is a system that requires human oriented leadership approach to make long-term competitive advantages. Motivational issues are as important as operative work issues, but more difficult to detect. Supervisors??? need timely information about the possible problems because unsolved problems will eventually reduce both wellbeing and profit. To do this effectively there are needed sophisticated methods and tools, which goes way beyond annual staff surveys. Traditional staff surveys use statistical analyzing, which is fundamentally wrong and tends to hide the development potential. These surveys are too long and done too seldom. A new scientific method solves this problem ??? it is called the quality of working life index (QWL) and it enables effective continuous feedback tool. Human performance is a combination of all self-esteem factors which include physical and emotional safety, collaboration and identity and objectives and creativity; therefore, single factor correlations are not reliable. Continuous QWL survey has six inquiry questions per month - two questions for each self-esteem category. QWL-index is reliable for performance measurement and acts as self-esteems guide for supervisors to select optimal leadership practices. Continuous staff QWL-survey will gamify leadership and gain significant economical and customer value.

Biography :

Marko Kesti has obtained his MSc in Engineering. He is a Doctor of Social Sciences and Adjunct Professor specialized in Human Capital Productivity. He is Research Director at Lapland University. He has created new scientifically approved theories and tools for analyzing human capital productivity. He is a member of Finnish non-fiction writers with five books and is a famous Lecturer at his specialty.
