Complex compost in its function as a multiphase disperse system of different production wastes
Joint Conference on 8th World Congress on Agriculture and Horticulture and 16th Euro Global Summit on Food and Beverages
March 02-04, 2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Belyuchenko Ivan Stepanovich

Kuban State Agrarian University, Russia

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


Complex compost is a poly-disperses, poly-organic and poly-mineral multiphase system, consisting of various media and components (solid, liquid, gaseous, as well as a body of living organisms). The capabilities of this system can be studied through evaluating its components with account of their dispersion specificity (depending on the state of aggregation) and their colloidity. The complex compost development is determined by the regularity of exchange reactions in it. Biological processes involving bacteria, fungi, Actinomyces, unicellular algae, meso- (earthworms, Enchytraeidae, Julida) and micro-arthropods (springtails, mites and other species) play an important role in complex compost formation. The biological activity of complex compost is evaluated by the microarthropodsâ?? development degree.

Biography :

Belyuchenko Ivan Stepanovich has expertise in Development of seven-, eight-course rotation with cotton and herbs on gray soils of central Asia, develop procedures for using complex compost consisting of a mixture of household, industrial and agricultural wastes, development and optimization of the functioning of agro landscape with the use of complex compost, combined crops and woodland creation on the border of agro landscape.
