Arbeille and K Zuj
University School of Medicine of Tours, France
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Aging Sci
In the preparation for manned missions to Mars, research studies have been conducted investigating cardiovascular adaptations of healthy subjects to long term confinement, bed rest, and microgravity. The purpose of this study was to determine how the observed changes, compare to those induced by aging in a normal population. Method: Echography was used to determine cardiovascular changes to 1.5 years confinement, 2 months of continuous head-down bed rest, and 6 months spaceflight aboard the International Space Station. Measurement was made of Left Ventricle Diastolic Volume (LVDV), Myocardium Thickness (Myoc), and Common Carotid (CC) Femoral Artery (FA) diameter and Intima media Thickness (IMT). Results were compared to published effects of normal aging on Earth. Results: With bed rest and spaceflight LVDV and Myoc were reduced (-12-15%, P<0,001). The observed CC and FA changes were similar to those seen in 30+ years of normal aging on Earth. Conclusion: Orthostatic intolerance induced by long term bed rest and spaceflight and Arterial changes observed in long term confinement, bed rest, and spaceflight, corresponded to changes similar to accelerated aging on Earth. These three environments which include reduced physical activity, change in nutritional regime and life in stressing environment may be a model to study the mechanism of aging on the vessels and to design adapted counter measures.