Simon Davidson
Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Bleeding following cardiopulmonary bypass remains a problem even though it is more than 50 years since this procedure was introduced. Over this time the primary cause of the bleeding has changed as surgical techniques and circuits have improved, pharmacological support has become superior and the current trend of increased use of antiplatelet therapy up to the point of surgery. I will discuss the current state of play with regards to all of the above including the use of point of care monitoring of the bleeding patient and available treatment options.
Simon Davidson is a Clinical Scientist in the Department of Hematology at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London, UK and has worked there for almost 20 yrs. He trained at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, UK and then managed the Haemostasis department at the John Radcliffe in Oxford, UK. The Royal Brompton is a Cardiothoracic Hospital that is a tertiary/international referral centre for complex heart disease. It has a world renowned track record in research and development. Simon lectures internationally on acquired disorders of haemostasis following cardiac surgery, heparin induced thrombocytopenia and NOAC and heparin anticoagulation and monitoring.