Jyoti Verma
University of Delhi, India
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
It was an observational and descriptive cross-sectional study of 150 patients, above 18 years of age who were evaluated clinically; along with hematological parameters and bone marrow aspiration in Department of Medicine in a Tertiary Care Hospital in north India during the period of November 2016- March 2018. Majority of the patients presented with fatigue, breathlessness (87.3 %) and fever (52.7%). Commonest physical finding was pallor, followed by splenomegaly; hepatomegaly and icterus. Commonest bone marrow picture was hypercellular, followed by normocellular and hypocellular. The most frequent aetiology was megaloblastic anemia (34%), followed by infections (21.3%), hypersplenism (11.3%) and iron deficiency anemia (8%). Nutritional deficiencies constituted 42% of cases which is one of the important preventable aetiology. Hypocellular bone marrow patients had severe anemia (42.8%), moderate leucopenia (64.28%) and severe thrombocytopenia. Hypercellular bone marrow patients had moderate anemia (53.65%) and moderate leucopoenia (53.65%). Patients with normocellular bone marrow presented with moderate anemia (42.59%), mild leucopoenia (53.7%) and mild thrombocytopenia (77.7%). Pancytopenia can result from disease processes primarily or secondarily involving bone marrow ranging from megaloblastic anemia, aplastic anemia, disseminated tuberculosis, enteric fever, leishmaniasis to lethal hematological malignancies so all these causes should be kept in mind while planning investigations for the complete workup of pancytopenic patients. Megaloblastic anemia and iron deficiency anemia were the most common causes of pancytopenia in our study which is easily treatable and reversible cause of pancytopenia and thus has a good prognosis. Its early diagnosis is important to prevent further complications. Conclusion: In conclusion, the lack of effective mental health awareness is the main reason that leads to negative attitudes. Psychiatric education is a need as well as awareness campaigns to put an end to the discrimination, stigma and taboo attached to mental illness.