Clinical evolution of a cohort of patients with Type 2 diabetes Mellitus after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in the orihuela health department
January 09-10, 2024 | Webinar

Suarez Hernandez Daniel

Fisabio Foundation, Spain

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nutr Disorders Ther


Statement of the problem: During the pandemic there was a confinement of the entire population which also affected diabetic patients. There was therefore an alteration in the living habits of the population that undoubtedly affected their state of health. Methodology & theoretical Orientation: Cross-sectional descriptive study with cut-off points in 2019 and 2020. Review of the medical records of 1000 patients with type 2 DM from our Health Department. Sociodemographic variables were collected: sex, age, level of education, weight, height, BMI, years of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, anti-diabetic treatment, other treatments, concomitant diseases, vaccinations, compliance with the glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) target according to criteria from redGDPS 2018. Comparisons made for the entire sample by sex and age groups using the Chi-square test at a significance level of p>0.005. Findings / Results: there were 882 patients (88.28%) with HbA1c determinations in 2019 with a mean of 7.08. There were 800 patients (88.98%) with HbA1c determinations in 2020 with a mean of 7.02. There was a loss of data related to HbA1c in 118 patients for different reasons. Over 65 years of age: 643 patients (38.7% women and 49.3% men). Under 65 years of age: 239 patients (61.3% women and 50.7% men). Target HbA1c expressed as n (%) in 2019 and 2020. Overall HbA1c 298 (56.8%), 245 (46.7%); p= 0.007. HbA1c women: 149 (57.1%), 130 (49.8%); p=0.286. HbA1c men: 149 (56.4%), 115 (43.6%); p= 0.012. HbA1c < 65 years: 110 (46.2%), 82 (34.6%); p=0.04. HbA1c>65 years: 401 (62.4%), 341 (53.1%); p= 0.043. Conclusion: A decrease is observed in achieving the HbA1c target in 2020. An increase in obesity is observed due to a decrease in exercise and poor dietary habits.

Biography :

Daniel Suárez Hernandez is the leader of the “Emerge Primaria” research group of Fisabio. The Fisabio “Emerge Primary” research group has carried out various studies on the glycemic control of diabetic patients in its health department. His research group focuses on the needs of primary care and how they can benefit from new technologies. In this regard, they care carrying out several research projects with the support and financing of the Fisabio Foundation.