Chiropractic sacro occipital technique (SOT) and cranial treatment model for traumatic brain injury along with monitoring and supplementing for neurotransmitter balance: A case report
3rd International Conference on Neurological Disorders and Brain Injury
April 18-19, 2017 London, UK

Esther M Remeta

Chiropractic Research Institute, USA
Sacro Occipital Technique Organization (SOTO), USA

Keynote: Brain Disord Ther


The purpose of this presentation is to present a novel treatment model incorporating Sanesco Laboratories to evaluate patient neurotransmitter balance and chiropractic cranial care for the treatment of a patient with traumatic brain injury. A 33-yearold female presented for care secondary to an attack affecting blood flow due to strangulation and repeated facial trauma. Her main symptom was chronic debilitating headaches unresponsive to rest, medication, or other interventions. Prior to being seen at this office was under care of neurologist and taking various prescription medications causing extreme side-effects without any headache relief. She has been under care for three-years which consisted of chiropractic sacro occipital technique (SOT) and cranial treatment. Within the past year, laboratory tests were instituted to monitor neurotransmitter balance of the HPA axis and used to help direct nutritional supplementation. The patient was seen once-per-week for chiropractic care and laboratory tests performed annually. Headaches decreased from daily constant chronic to 2-3 times per week with significantly less intensity, allowing her to function in her activities of daily living which was not possible prior to institution of care. When instituting laboratory guided nutritional supplementation focused on balancing neurotransmitters headaches, her function significantly improved. Treatment of brain trauma is a very individualize process and what may help one patient may not help another. However, it is worthy of consideration when a patient is non-responsive to traditional approaches or has an adverse reaction to medications that a chiropractor trained in SOT and cranial care might be considered for collaborative care.

Biography :

Esther M Remeta is a practicing Chiropractor and Clinical Researcher. She is currently the Executive Director at Chiropractic Research Institute (CRI) in Clemmons. She completed her Doctor of Chiropractic Degree at National College of Chiropractic in Illinois. She is a SOTO-USA Board Certified Sacro Occipital Technique and Craniopathy Practitioner and a Diplomat with the American Academy of Pain Management.
