Child’s oral health-A hand in hand approach
25th World Congress on Dentistry and Oral Health
March 14-15, 2019 | London, UK

Gagandeep Kaur

Punjab Government Dental College, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Dental care is the most unmet care need of children which places more than 52% of children at risk of untreated oral disease. Those at increased risk include poor or minority families or children with special health care needs. Children and RSQUO`S oral health care can be predicted from their development changes and their position in life span and the deficiency, in the context of environment and current demographic changes. It is always said that ???Prevention is better than cure???. So we should try to prevent oral diseases in a child rather than curing it at later stages as it will be more time taking and costly. Now a days special gap in education include training of general dentist to care for infants and young children as well as pediatric providers and other professionals caring for child in oral health promotion and disease prevention. Education should focus on technical aspects of interdisciplinary approach as child and RSQUO`S oral health care can be improved by integration of dentistry with medicine and other health care professionals. Child`s oral health should be a hand in hand approach. Oral health is shared moral responsibility of dental and other medical professionals working with children, parents and society.

Biography :

Gagandeep Kaur is pursuing her Internship at Punjab Government Dental College and Hospital, Amritsar. She is always in support of preventing oral diseases especially in children. She has keen interest in counseling parents in preventing oral diseases of their children and also encourages them to improve their oral health.
