Abdulhamid Chaikh1, 2, Micaela Cunha3, 4, Etienne Testa3, 4, Michaël Beuve3, 4, and Jacques Balosso1, 2
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Nanomed Nanotechnol
Purpose: The available implantable dosimeters in radiotherapy,i.e. semiconductor, MOSFET, radio luminescence of gallium nitride,
etc, are imperfect and need a correction factors. In this study,we probos by simulation the size limit for a new generation of dosimeters
at micro/nano scale for real time measurements in routine radiotherapy.
Materials & Methods: Monte-Carlo simulations were carried out to study the influence of nanodosimeter size on the accuracy in
dose measurements using a water volume irradiated with 60Co photons. The mean specific energy (
Abdulhamid Chaikh, has completed his PhD at Grenoble-Alpes University, France. He was qualified for Assistant Professor position in French University. He is working as scientist for Medical Physics & Radiation Oncology and teaching in master degree at the medical school of Grenoble-Alpes University. He has published more than 15 papers in international journals and participated to over 15 national and international conferences. He is carrying out peer reviewed articles and serving as an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Case Reports in Oncology and Therapy. He is a member of American Association of Physicists in Medicine.