Catalysts for consumers choice of organic foods - A choice experiment analysis
3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology
July 21-23, 2014 Hampton Inn Tropicana, Las Vegas, USA

Ole Bonnichsen, Jorgen Dejgard Jensen and Morten Raun Morkbak

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


Despite a relatively high Danish consumption of organic foods, it is a policy aim to increase this consumption further. The objective of this study is to explore the role of geographical origin and sales outlet as catalysts in this respect. A Choice Experiment conducted with Danish citizens is used for quantitative measurement of consumer preferences for improvements in three types of quality attributes: product origin (local, Danish, imported), production method (organic, pesticide free, increased animal welfare, conventional), and purchase location (supermarket, specialty shop, farm outlet) for six food types (bread, carrots, cheese, milk, salami, salmon). For all food types, the results indicate a positive preference for attributes like organic or increased animal welfare, as well as for Danish and locally produced food. Respondents also generally prefer the supermarket purchase location. These findings may suggest that domestic origin and high availability (in supermarkets) are important determinants for product choice for most food types, and a policy targeting these aspects might be appropriate to stimulate the demand for organic foods.

Biography :

Ole Bonnichsen completed his PhD in 2012 and is currently employed as an Assistant Professor at the department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen in Denmark. His area of research includes all aspects of economic valuation, cost-benefit analysis and stated preference methods. He has published numerous peer-reviewed papers in international journals in these areas and has also taught at both the bachelor and master level at the University of Copenhagen.