Ahlam Badreldin El Shikieri
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
Brain functioning is sensitive to short-term variations in nutrient availability. Children and adolescents are at increased risk of nutritional problems especially under-nutrition. Studies suggest that a short fasting may impose greater stress on young children than on adults resulting in metabolic alterations as various homeostatic mechanisms work to maintain circulating glucose concentrations. Breakfast is considered one of the most important meals of the day. The percentage of breakfast skipping among school-aged children ranges from as low as 4% in developed countries to as high as 59% in developing countries. Eating a breakfast that contains sufficiently balanced nutrients has a beneficial impact on the child?s health in terms of nutrient intake, height-to-weight ratio and early physical development. Breakfast intake has a positive impact on the cognitive skills of children including improved processing of complex image stimuli, better attention, memory recall and problem-solving tasks. Children who eat breakfast are more likely to behave better in school and get along well with their peers.The healthiest breakfast is a nutritious meal rich in complex carbohydrates including fiber, moderate in protein and low in fat, salt and sugar. Schools that provide breakfast to students have reported decrease in tardiness and suspensions as well as improved students? behavior and attentiveness. School breakfast provides ¼ the recommended amounts of protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C for the day. Breakfast intake has a positive public health impact and prepares children to become healthy adults. Research findings from different studies including those in Sudan and Saudi Arabia will be presented.
Ahlam Badreldin El Shikieri has completed her PhD from Queen Margaret University, UK and has an MBA. She is a registered Consultant Nutritionist and an Associate Professor currently working in the Clinical Nutrition Department at Taibah University in Saudi Arabia. She acted as a speaker in several workshops in Sudan and Saudi Arabia and presented her work in conferences nationally and internationally orally and posters. She supervised several research projects for students both at Master and PhD levels and acted an external examiner for several universities. She taught nutrition and management related modules at the graduate and undergraduate levels. She is a reviewer for various journals including the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior and has 15 published research papers.