Ashraf Mina
Westmead Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Keynote: J Blood Disord Transfus
Big data is poised to change the way we thought and the way we worked. It has many advantages over current practices. When Big Data is combined with machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI), many questions are being answered much easier than ever before, better early intervention and better patient management. The presentation addresses what Big Data means for patients, payers, devise makers and Pharma with examples of current applications. Big Data and AI promise huge opportunities but raises huge issues and challenges.
Mina is a principal scientist in NSW Health Pathology with 32 years’ work experience in running and managing clinical pathology services including strategic planning and financial management in teaching hospitals and private sector. Also, in research and education.Mina has a Ph.D. in Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Sydney University, master’s Degree in clinical chemistry, Postgraduate Diploma in Microbiology, Postgraduate Diploma in Biochemistry “nutrition” and B.Sc. (Hon). Mina developed, integrated services and redesigned of services to maximise expected potential, improve service and increase productivity in complex multilayer organisations. Mina has published many articles in national and international peer reviewed journals and presented his work in national and international conferences and is a reviewer in many international Journals. He chaired and still serving on prominent scientific organisations in Australia, such as Australian Institute of Medical Scientist (AIMS) and Australasian Collage of Medical Sciences and Research (ACMSR). Dr Mina also served in different national and international work parties and committees.