Lamya Mohamed Ibrahim
Advanced Center For Daycare Surgery, UAE
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Despite the excellent efficacy results of IM treatment in CML patients, resistance to IM has emerged as a significant problem. Genetic variations in genes involved in drug transportation might influence the pharmacokinetic and metabolism of IM. The genotype of a patient is increasingly recognized in influencing the response to the treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the genotype frequencies of SNPs G2677T in CML patients undergoing IM treatment and to determine whether different genotype pattern of these SNPs have any influence in mediating good response and resistance to IM. A total of 96 CML and 30 control samples were analyzed for MDR1 gene (G2677T) polymorphism using PCR- RFLP technique. Genotype distribution revealed increase in GG, GT (34.4%, 46.9%) and significant decrease in TT (18.8%) genotype frequencies in CML patients compared to controls (p=0.257, 0.326, 0.017 respectively). Patients in accelerated and blastic phases had higher GT genotype frequency compared to patients in early phases (p<0.001). The resistance incidence correlated with G allele. GG and GT genotypes were higher in CML patients showing imatinib resistance compared to sensitive CML patients (P=0.893, 0.002). Meanwhile TT genotype was shown significantly to be higher among imatinib sensitive group with (p<0.001). GT genotype was found to be a significant predictor of IM resistance risk (p=0.002). GG genotype was not proved to be significant indicator of resistance risk (p=0.893). On the other hand, TT may be a protective factor against imatinib resistance in CML patients (P<0.001). Determination of G2677T MDR1 polymorphisms might be useful in response prediction to therapy with Imatinib in patients with CML.
Lamya Mohamed Ibrahim completed her Doctorate in Clinical Pathology and Hematology at Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Egypt in 2010. She joined the Clinical Pathology Department from 2000 till now, promoted from Assistant Lecturer to Lecturer and finally Assistant Professor. She published regularly in International and National journals. She is also working as a Reviewer of many peer-reviewed medical journals. She also contributed and presented her work at many International conferences such as European Hematology Association 2014. She is also a member of many organizations such as European Hematology Association (EHA), American Hematology Association (ASH), Emirates Medical Hematology Association (EMHA), Egyptian Society of Hematology (ESH), Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine (ESLM) and Pan-Arab Hematology Associations.