Assessment of sick children
8th Global Conference on Nursing and Healthcare & 5th Annual Conference on Diabetes and Endocrinology
JUNE 28, 2022 | WEBINAR

Mary Anbarasi Johnson

CMC College of Nursing, India

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Health Care Curr Rev


The initial assessment of an unwell child includes the paediatric assessment Triangle: appearance, breathing and circulation to skin; primary survey that focuses on basic life support, patient assessment and immediate management; secondary Survey with a detailed history of the event and physical examination; and ongoing Assessment. Medical practitioners and their clinic staff must be prepared to undertake initial emergency management of a seriously ill child, and they must have the equipment and supplies available to carry out that management effectively.

Biography :

Mary Anbarasi Johnson has submitted PhD in Nursing in 2018 under Dr. MGR Medical University and waiting to defend this year as was in Saudi Arabia on leave. She is currently perusing MBA in Executive Management and PhD IN management. She has completed Masters in Public Administration .She has served as Deputy Nursing Superintendent in CMC Vellore for a term of four years and is a reviewer for 40 International Journals .Also has served in nursing administration in Defense Hospital Saudi Arabia. She has contributed for five book chapters and has published more than 60 papers and has been resource speaker for more than 50 local, state, national and international conferences. She also has served as Assist. Professor in US for a term of two years.