ASD device closure in Ebstein anomaly with multi fenestrated defects
International Conference and Expo on Heart and Cardio Care
May 25, 2022 | Webinar

Zahra Khajali

Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Cardiovasc Pharm


Ebstein anomaly has a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, range from death in neonate to mild symptoms in elderly. The interventional closure of interatrial communications in adult patients with Ebstein’s anomaly seems to be a feasible option for palliation and also treatment if careful selection criteria are applied. In selected cases however, there may be multiple small defects that can be applied cribriform device for closure of the defect. I present a case of Ebstein anomaly in a 35-year-old woman that came to us with dyspnea and palpitation; we managed palpitation by catheter ablation. In TEE moderate TR was seen and interatrial septum had multiple small defects that we managed her ASD by interventional closure with occlutech Uni device.

Biography :

I am Zahra Khajali, Professor of cardiology and head of adult congenital heart disease department in Rajaei heart hospital. I published about 80 papers in cardiology and congenital heart disease field.