Art therapy: An essential aspect of healthcare
4th Global Summit on Healthcare
November 09-10, 2015 Dubai, UAE

Heidi Bardot

The George Washington University, USA

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Health Care: Current Reviews


The need for a more effective approach toward healthcare is essential when patients are expecting more from their care. Through a more integrative approach we can better address both the patient??s and the family??s needs on numerous levels utilizing doctors, nurses, social workers, counselors and art therapists. As a treatment team we are encouraged to deal with the whole person: the physical??managing the illness and pain; the mental??bringing understanding to what is happening and the emotional??feeling the reality of the experience and struggling to define or describe it. Throughout history and in many different cultures, creative arts have been used in the healing process, both psychologically and physically. Research has shown the positive effects in healing, shortened hospital stays, improved symptoms, a reduction in anxiety and stress and an increase in wellness and meaning making. Additionally, neuropsychology informs us that trauma is stored visually in the brain; therefore, to access it visually through art therapy is ideal. This then allows the patient to observe the image more objectively and provides a non-threatening and more explorative approach to accessing those traumatic memories or images. The patient can then begin to attach words to the images, oftentimes citing, ??I could draw it, but I don??t know how to say it.? Art therapy can be utilized in a variety of different settings with clients with numerous diagnoses to explore and heal deep issues of physical and psychological trauma. Techniques and case studies will be presented.

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