Leidy Viviana Sandoval
National University of Colombia, Colombia
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
The double and triple burden are nutritional problems that arise from food insecurity, poverty, inequality and dysfunctional food systems severely affecting children. These problems have been little studied in Colombia, they go unnoticed due to the way they are masked in the same individual, it is common to relate excess malnutrition to a healthy nutritional status, specially in children. The objective is to analyze the situation of double and triple nutritional burden among children under 5 of five municipalities of Nariņo, Colombia. This cross-sectional descriptive research reveal a high prevalence of double and triple nutritional burden at the individual level in children under five years old from the department of Nariņo, the prevalence of double burden is 8% and for triple nutritional burden the prevalence is 3%; in both cases with higher prevalence in girls (54%) compared to boys (46%); there is no such step from nutritional deficit diseases to diseases generated by excess weight. Additionally this research can identify some determinants related to these problematics his work identified the relationship between some social determinants and the prevalence of double and triple nutritional burden. The most relevant for the investigation were the situation socioeconomic, living in overcrowded condition and belonging to the indigenous ethnic group.
E-mail: lvsandovalj@gmail.com