Applicability of the Profile of rehabilitation and adaptation in a work context for people with an autism spectrum disorder (PRACT-PTSA)
6th European Autism Congress
May 27-28, 2024 | Paris, France

Claude Vincent, Université Laval, Canada

Frédéric Dumont, PhD, Cirris, Canada

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Psychiatry


Work rehabilitation is one of the services offered by the Quebec healthcare system (Canada). Given that the employment rate of people with autism is 2.5 times lower than that of the general population, it is essential to evaluate the services offered, but there is no standardized French-language tool adapted to this population. It is proposed to develop a new tool inspired by PRACT-PDI [1] and by the AWSQ, BSATA-ASD, JRAT, MW©M, VOSAT and WRI [2-6]. Research objectives were to 1) Identify scientific tools that assess dimensions of autistic functioning in the context of work preparation, then compare their characteristics, taking into account those of the PRACT-PDI; 2) Adapt a French-language assessment tool considered reliable and valid to the reality of autistic people enrolled in a work integration program; 3) To test the content validity of the tool adapted to the realities of autistic people; and 4) To test the applicability of the assessment tool with autistic people in community settings, in order to demonstrate the impact of the training offered on work rehabilitation. A narrative review preceded three methodological designs, including adaptation (n=1), content validation in groups by general consensus of experts (n=17) and applicability in a community organization (n=8). Observation of five young people with autism (μ = 26 years) by three specialized educators using the PRACT-PTSA rigorously documents the impact of their work rehabilitation (assembly, bagging, and classification tasks from external contracts). Figure 1 show results on 10 dimensions of their functioning in workshop. The PRACT-PTSA comprises 59 items, 5 scores (N/A, 0-1-2-3) and takes three hours. It also requires comments and recommendations to contextualize. The PRACT-PTSA is a value-added tool that fills five gaps identified in the six tools identified. Experimental version of PRACT-PTSA in Excel compiler is available free of charge in Cirris research products.

Biography :

Claude Vincent has her expertise in evaluation tools and assistive technologies in improving the rehabilitation and social integration. In the context of employability for neuro-atypical people, she uses partnership and cross-sectoral research with mixed methods, to draw on the viewpoints of community organizations, public work rehabilitation services, rehab and education academics, and industry. Then, she has built this assessment tool (PRACT-PTSA) with a huge research team and collaborators. She’s occupational therapist since 1990, and has experience in research since 1997, in evaluation and in teaching both in a rehabilitation center (at the Cirris, Center for interdisciplinary research in rehabilitation and social integration) and university. She always advocates an approach centered on the person in their environment, which is why she always defends the importance of each assessment tool considering the physical and human work environment.