Sayani Mukherjee, Swati Banerjee, Soumik Barman, Soma Mitra, Sangjukta Dutta, Hemanta Koley and Pubali Dhar
Posters: JBB
C ardiac hypertrophy is a major predictor of progressive heart disease and an adverse prognosis. Cardiac hypertrophy is recognized as an adap tive process to a variety of physiological and pathological conditions. It is oft en associated with diseases like ischemic heart disease, hypertension and heart failure. Th ese diff erent diseases induce cardiomyocyte growth which is characterized by an increment in cardiomyocyte size, increased protein synthesis and changes in the organization of sarcomeric structure. Although initially, cardiac hypertrophy plays role as a compensatory response that tries to optimize biomechanical stress and normalize cardiac pump function. But, prolonged hypertrophy may eventually lead to dilated cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, fi brotic diseases, heart failure and even sudden death