Amel Bouacha
Accepted Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Introduction: Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder precipitated by the ingestion of gluten. It is a permanent intolerance that affects the child as an adult (HLA DQ 2 or HLA DQ 8). The main future of disease is a gastrointestinal malabsorption syndrome; Anemia due to hematinic deficiencies is common in patients with untreated celiac disease. Celiac disease is a chronic condition characterized by an intense inflammatory response of the intestinal mucosa and may be responsible for anemia of chronic disease. Design and Methods: For a period of 02 years (2011-2012), 14 cases of anemia on celiac disease were enrolled in the department of internal medicine in our hospital. The diagnosis of celiac disease required a duodenal biopsy showing villous atrophy with crypt hyperplasia and intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltration, a positive anti-Anemia was investigated by determining complete blood counts, peripheral blood film, body iron status, vitamin assay and a bone marrow aspirate Results: The average age of the patients was between 18 and 47 years. The most common symptoms at presentation were diarrhea and weight loss (69% of cases). 12 anemic patients had either iron and/or vitamin deficiency (folate, vitamin B12). In 02 cases iron status parameters were indicative of anemia of chronic disease. 03 patients had an atypical form of celiac disease with associated conditions: osteopenia, liver cirrhosis, and dermatitis herpetiformis. In most cases anemia is restored after a gluten-free diet and vitamin therapy. Conclusion: Our study shows that, in addition to iron and vitamin deficiencies, anemia of chronic disease has a significant role in some patients with celiac disease. Anemia may represent the first manifestation of an otherwise subclinical/silent or a typical celiac disease.
Amel Bouacha finished the study of general medicine at the age of 25 years from Badji Mukhtar University, and then continued the study of specialty in hematology at Dorban hospital and works at the hospital Ibn Rushd.