Ulya Zulfa
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: Agrotechnol
AIuminium (Al) is toxic to plants particularly and primarily inhibiting root growth resulting the stunted root in early vegetative growth of soybean (Glycine max) and black soybean (Glycine soja). This research aimed to study the root growth response of Al accumulation in root of both soybean and black soybean cultivars to variability of Al toxicity. This research was conducted in green house, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia from April up to May 2015. Using these three cultivars i.e., Tanggamus (G. max), Cikuray (G. soja) and Lokal Malang (G.soja), the experiment was conducted in 14-days using nutrient solution in water culture with Al concentrations set at 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 mmol L-1 and without Al concentration as check. Based on sensivity index of root length we found that Tanggamus was categorized as moderately Al-tolerant cultivar, Cikuray was Al-tolerant cultivar and Lokal Malang was Al-sensitive cultivar. Hematoxylin staining through lateral section of roots structure showed that there was no Al accumulation in check concentration. While in 0.5 and 0.7 mmol L-1 Al concentration we found that all cultivars accumulated Al in epidermis and cortex without destruction of these tissues. In contrast to moderately Al-tolerant and Al-tolerant cultivars, the highest Al concentration severely damaged root cells of Al sensitive cultivar.