Nadia Altaf
Hayatabad Medical Complex, Pakistan
Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Blood Disord Transfus
Aim & Statement of the Problem: Acute promyelocytic leukemia is a unique subtype of AML. There are very limited data about APL from Pakistan. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinico-demographic profile along with the risk stratification of APL at a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan. Methodology: Twenty-eight (28) patients with APL were enrolled in this descriptive cross-sectional study between June 2014 and July 2018. All of the data was documented, and statistical analysis was performed by SPSS-20 software. Findings: Median age was 21 (range 2-65 years). Male to female ratio was 3:1. Hypergranular variant (92.8%) was more common as compared to microgranular variant (7.14%). Majority of patients had complaints of fever (71.4%), bleeding (53.5%) and generalized weakness (14.2%). Pallor (64.2%) was the predominant finding on physical examination followed by petechial and purpuric rashes (46.4%). Mean hemoglobin was 8.3 g/dl (range 5.3-12.2 g/dl). The mean total leukocyte count was 39.6 (range 1.3-121x109/L) and mean platelet count was 40 (range 7-78x109/L). Most of the patients were fall into high risk group (60.7%) on risk stratification followed by intermediate risk (32.1%) and low risk (7.1%). Conclusion: In the present study, pallor is the most common presentation. Risk stratification shows predominance of high-risk score.
Nadia Altaf is a Consultant Hematologist in a tertiary care hospital of Peshawar in Pakistan. She is the youngest Hematologist in her province and has passion in research and upgrading diagnostic practices.