M Armenteros, Ana I Mayoral, L Gómez, F Lobo and A Silva y J Ventanas
Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol
A new method based on histological tests has been developed to determine the presence of changes in the muscle structure in processed meat products. The rate of structural disintegration (IDE) was obtained from 4 indicator parameters. It allows determining whether the samples (processed meat products, IDE ? 33%) have significant modifications of the fibers regarding to the controls (meat products, IDE ? 33%). And therefore, it can be established whether the products are classified as processed meat product or meat product. To demonstrate the rigor and feasibility of the method, validation tests with meat products and processed meat products obtained by different meat companies (n=20) have been performed. Results obtained showed that the samples could be classified as processed meat product (n=11) or as meat product (n=9), as mentioned above. Consequently, the % IDE is confirmed to be a valid index to classify processed meat products or meat products from ready to eat meat products.
M Armenteros has completed her PhD in Food Technology from Polytechnic University of Valencia and her Postdoctoral studies about oxidation of protein frozen meat and dry-cured meat products from Department of Food Technology and Animal Production, Faculty of Veterinary, University of Extremadura. Currently, she is quality manager and I+D+I senior technician in the Servicio de Análisis e Innovación de Alimentos de Origen Animal (SIPA-UAEX). She has published more than 14 papers in reputed journals and oral and poster communications in different reputed congress.