Sibylle Scholtz*1, Oksana Vitovska2 and Achim Langenbucher1
Saarland University, Germany Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Health Care Curr Re
Purpose: Murphy´s Law stated “If anything can go wrong, it will”. This also holds true when calculating intraocular lenses (IOL) – and also here, the options are manifold, partly systemic and pre-programmed. Such errors will be introduced briefly followed by detailed information on the benefits of using optimized IOL constants, preferably individually optimized constants for each individual surgeon. As well, we will introduce a modern formula for IOL power calculation which is the basis of a modern online calculation tool. Methods: Close cooperation between the Institute of Experimental Ophthalmology, University Homburg/Saar (Germany) and the University Eye Clinic, Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv (Ukraine). Results: Numerous options for errors in biometry and IOL power calculation might cause miscalculations. As well, various simplifications and model assumptions of the phakic eye are still used today. The Internet database IOLCon (, has meanwhile established itself as a reliable, worldwide available source for optimized IOL constants and specifications. Based on modern optimization strategies, IOLCon offers also individually optimized IOL constants free of charge for ophthalmic surgeons. The new "Lens Power Calculation Module" (LPCM) for calculation of toric and non-toric intraocular lenses is based on the CASTROP formula and is available as online calculation tool via IOLCon´s website. Hereby, modern online IOL power calculation support is provided for ophthalmic surgeons. Conclusions: Today, optical biometry is regarded as a standard diagnostic tool in cataract surgery and represents the basis for reliable IOL calculation before cataract surgery. IOLCon offers an online calculation tool based on the most disclosed IOL power calculation formula including the CASTROP formula. The support IOLCon is providing for ophthalmic surgeon is indispensable and will also meet future demands of ongoing developing ophthalmic surgery. Note: Making the best calculation and using optimized constants cannot compensate for errors in biometry. Take your time to check all measurements for consistency or contradictions.
Sibylle Scholtz is a Biologist, Chemist, PhD in Ophthalmology, International Science Correspondent, Associated Senior Research Fellow (Institute of Experimental Ophthalmology, Saarland University Faculty of Medicine, Germany), longstanding experience in the ophthalmic medical device industry, subject matter expert in biometry and IOL power calculation.