A case of post-partum ptosis in Abuja, Nigeria
30th Global Healthcare Summit
March 14-15, 2024 | London, UK

Adaora Chinwendu Okudo, Ofodile Nnenna and Aisha Sherrif Kalambe

Nile University of Nigeria, Nigeria Asokoro District Hospital, Nigeria

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: Health Care Curr Re


Background: Post-partum ptosis is a rare cause of acquired ptosis which is mostly unilateral and occurs due to changes in the levator aponeurosis resulting from hormonal, fluid accumulation and stress changes of labor and delivery. Risk Factors that have been found to increase the risk of developing ptosis after childbirth includes multiple pregnancies, advanced maternal age, and high body mass index. Clinical presentation: A 32years old business woman presented with drooping of left upper eyelid of six weeks duration. Drooping started 21days after delivery of her second son. There was no history of double vision, deviation of eyes, variation during the day, affectation of daily living. Thorough evaluation from history could not link ptosis with any other cause. She presently has two sons and there was no history of ptosis associated with the first pregnancy. At presentation she was a healthy-looking young lady, weighing 110kg, with a height of 1.78m and basal mass index of 34.7 kg/m2. She had a visual acuity of 6/5 and 6/4, intraocular pressures of 14 and 15 mmhg respectively. She had normal extraocular eye movement. Her Margin Reflex distance 1, Margin Reflex distance 2, Upper lid excursion (levator function), upper lid crease and palpebral fissure height at presentation was 4, 5, 15, 10, 10 mm in the right eye and 1, 5, 15, 10 and 7mm in the left eye. All other ocular examinations were normal. One month after presentation, the Margin reflex distance 1 improved to 2mm and Palpebral fissure height improved to 8mm in the left eye and has remained in this form till date which is 40 weeks post presentation. Conclusion: Physicians should keep in view pregnancy related ptosis as a rare cause of unilateral ptosis amongst women who recently gave birth.

Biography :

Adaora Chinwendu Okudo is a Senior lecturer and Ophthalmology Specialty Coordinator with Nile University of Nigeria. She is also a Chief Consultant Ophthalmologist, Head of Ophthalmology Department in Asokoro District Hospital and Head of Residency Training in Ophthalmology in FCTA Hospitals. She received her Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree from the College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria in 2005. She subsequently went through residency training in Ophthalmology in Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Idi-Araba, Lagos and Eye Foundation Hospital, Abuja. She is a fellow of the following Colleges {FWACS, FMCOph, FICO, FICS, MRCS Edin (Ophth)}.