Welcome to the Editorial Submission and Review Tracking System® developed by Walsh Medical Media! This online system has been designed and developed to facilitate secure online submission of manuscripts, tracking the progress of editorial processing while ensuring transparency and reliability. The system is optimized for access by authors, reviewers, and editors from any location having internet connection. The system implements privacy policy and removes the probability of potential conflict of interest.
For manuscript preparation and type of manuscript: Author guidelines
New users can register by providing their name, location, contact detail, user Id and password (of personal choice). Editors and reviewers can additionally provide their biography and subject domain.
For Authors
- Submission of the new manuscript and obtaining a unique manuscript identification number for their submitted content
- Check the status of original submission
- Submission of the revised article
- Obtain new password through email (in case of ‘forgot password’ )
- Track the progress of manuscript at any given point of time
- Get timely and relevant notifications
For Editors
- Invite authors for manuscript submission; Screening, selection and tracking of the manuscripts
- Invite and select the reviewers with relevant expertise in the subject
- Monitor submissions, resubmissions and revised submissions
- Manage and track the review proceedings of the assigned manuscripts
- Changing of the login credentials
For Reviewers
- Evaluate the submitted manuscript abstract for ascertaining the prospect of reviewing
- Access the manuscript which has been accepted for review
- Submission of the review comments and recommendations
- Verified e-mail ID of the reviewer is registered as the login ID for enhanced confidentiality and security
- Obtain new password through email (in case of ‘forgot password’)
- Changing of the login credentials
Editorial Protocol
- The Editor-in-Chief sends the manuscript it to the Section Editor (most likely one of the Associate Editors)
- The Section Editor finds at least 3 independent reviewers. Most likely again, one of them is a member of the Editorial Board
- Upon the receipt of reviewer comments in the system, the Section Editor can either make a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief, or initiate a discussion among the reviewers and editors.
- After a mutually agreed decision has been reached, the authors are notified by the Editor-in-Chief or the Section Editor.
Decision Categories
- Accepted: Can be published as it is for the time being with minor typos or artifacts.
- Accept with minor revision: The manuscript will have to be slightly revised following the reviewers' comments. The Action Editor and/or the Editor in Chief ensure implementation of modifications.
- Revise and resubmit: It is agreed that the topic is worth publishing, but the paper requires major revisions before it can actually be published.
- Rejected: The paper is out of scope, or does not contain any substantial contribution, or may be simply too difficult to understand. It needs resubmission with substantial improvisation.
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