Young Research Forum - (2021) Volume 12, Issue 3

Young Scientist Award Editorial
Magnússon MS*
Department of Pharmacology, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland
*Correspondence: Magnússon MS, Department of Pharmacology, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, Email:

Diabetic and Endocrine Conference Committee is glad to announce “Annual Congress on Diabetes and Endocrinology” October 26 -27, 2020 in Toronto, Canada by the focus on the theme: “New Research on Endocrinology and Diabetic Disorders”.

Diabetes and Endocrinology 2020 Young Scientist Awards:

Diabetes and Endocrinology 2020 Young Researchers Committee is specially formed to provide awards for skilled Young researchers, Young Investigators, Trainees, Post-Graduate students, scientists, Post-doctoral fellows, Junior faculty in return of their excellent participation towards the conference subject field. The Young Scientist Awards do all efforts in contributing a strong professional advancement possibility for fresh career academicians by gathering experts to interact and share their expertise on all perspectives of Diabetes and Endocrinology.

Young Researcher’s Awards at Diabetes and Endocrinology 2020 for the Nomination: Young Researcher Forum - Outstanding Masters/Ph.D./Post Doctorate exposition work Performance, only 25 performances allowed at the Diabetes and Endocrinology 2020 Young Researcher Forum.

Guidelines for Young Researchers Forum Benefits

Young Scientist Award acceptance certification and memento to the champs

Our conferences present the best Platform for your study by oral presentations.

Learn about professional development with all the most advanced technologies by networking.

Young Scientists will get proper and timely knowledge by this Forum.

Platform for collaboration amongst young researchers for better development

Provide an opportunity for research intercommunication and established senior investigators across the globe in the field. Share the thoughts with both renowned researchers and mentors.

It’s a great opportunity for young researchers to learn about the research areas for expanding their research knowledge.


Young Investigators, Post-Graduate students, Post-doctoral scholars, Trainees, junior staff with a minimum of 5 years of research practice

The presentation must be into scientific sessions of the conference.

Each Young Researcher / Young Investigator can present only one document (as first author or co-author).

Age limit-Under 35yrs

All submissions must be in English.

Criteria for Selection

Showcase your research through oral presentations. Learn about professional development and the latest investigation tools and technologies in your field. This forum will give appropriate and up-to-date information to those who conduct research and those who use and benefit from research.

Develop grounds for collaboration among young researchers. The forum will provide an opportunity for collegial intercommunication with other young researchers and established senior investigators across the globe.

Interact and share ideas with both companions and mentors. Opportunity for young researchers to learn about the research areas of their peers to improve their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers

Actively circulate information and avail the benefits of education and career matters.

Awards & Rewards

Showcase your study through oral presentations.

Learn about career advancement and the latest research instruments and technologies in your field.

This forum will give appropriate and timely information to those who conduct research and those who use and benefit from research.

Develop a foundation for collaboration among young researchers.

The forum will provide an opportunity for collegial interaction with other young researchers and established senior researchers globally.

Communicate and share ideas among both peers and instructors.

Chance for young researchers to discover the research fields of their peers to build their capacity as multidisciplinary researchers

Actively share information and support the advantages of education and career matters.

  • Annual Congress on Diabetes and Endocrinology
    Toronto, Canada