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Editor’s Note - (2021) Volume 10, Issue 7

Transferring Agricultural Technology
Robert Howard*
INRAE Research Institute, 17 Rue Sully, 21000 Dijon, France
*Correspondence: Robert Howard, INRAE Research Institute, 17 Rue Sully, 21000 Dijon, France, Email:

Received: 05-Jul-2021 Published: 16-Jul-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2168-9881.21.10.216


Agrotechnology is that the focus of all government research institutions to make sure the outcomes of their research and development reach market acceptance. Nevertheless, the method of technology transfer was considered the foremost challenging and important within the development and diffusion of latest technology. The important issue to be considered in reference to this study is that technology transfer is usually viewed exclusively from technology generator perspectives. For example, argues that a successful technology transfer depends upon the power of the technology transfer office to effectively recognize opportunities. His study focuses exclusively on the technology developers, and ignores the attitude of technology recipients, which is another a part of the technology transfer process. Thus, the link between technology generator and technology recipient is missing.

The development of latest technology may be a combination of steps or activities, and decisions or goals. According to, the event of latest technology is step-by-step process and monitored by management decision. Cooper calls the method of the event new product because the stage-gate product innovation process. It is a series of stages that gather all information and data analyses, and therefore the gates that represent the management decision on the execution of the conceptual design and activities (to proceed or not proceed the activities). The other hand, suggested a five-phase new technology product process:

• Opportunity identification

• Concept generation

• Project evaluation

• Development

• Product launch

The models suggested, basically the event of latest technology from the perspectives of the technology generator or manufacturer. The models describe the step-by-step process from idea generation until the merchandise is launched. However, these models are method activities that don't take into consideration the attitude of the technology recipient. The concept of technology transfer isn't new, but it's been alive for a while. However, the concept of technology transfer and its mechanism remain controversial. For example, regarded technology transfer because the purposive movement of established technology or technical innovation to a different. which technology transfer because the application of technology to a replacement use or user, a process by which the technology is developed either during a different application or by a new user, viewed technology transfer because the acquisition, adaptation and use of technological knowledge by a private , group or society aside from the one that developed the technology.

Technology transfer is often classified into two categories: vertical and horizontal. Vertical technology transfer are often classified because the production of a replacement product, device or process within a given scientific or technical discipline and usually within a corporation , while horizontal technology transfer refers to the transfer that goes across the borders, like countries, industries or firms. This study focuses on horizontal technology transfer; the transfer of agricultural technology from government research institution to non-public firms.

Citation: Howard R (2021) Transferring Agricultural Technology. Agrotechnology 10: 216

Copyright: © 2021 Howard R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.