Opinion Article - (2023) Volume 12, Issue 1

The Role of Media in Political Communication and Its Impact on Democracy and Public Opinion
Maximova Davide*
Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame, Chicago, United States of America
*Correspondence: Maximova Davide, Department of Political Science, University of Notre Dame, Chicago, United States of America, Email:

Received: 01-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. GJISS-23-20484; Editor assigned: 06-Mar-2023, Pre QC No. GJISS-23-20484(PQ); Reviewed: 20-Mar-2023, QC No. GJISS-23-20484; Revised: 27-Mar-2023, Manuscript No. GJISS-23-20484(R); Published: 03-Apr-2023, DOI: 10.35248/2319-8834.23.12.046


The control of mass media, such as television, radio, newspapers, and magazines, is necessary for the general people to stay informed about the daily operations of the American republic. These media outlets are all vital hotspots for political achievement in the present. The American political system has evolved through time into one in which innovation consistently shapes the behaviour of lawmakers, citizens, and governmental concerns. With the advent of social media, which allows for social networking sites like Twitter or Instagram, as well as print media like the Washington Post, NY Times, etc., the American people and governing body are now affected. The fundamental purpose of mass communication is to disseminate information and alert the public to important global occurrences. For the American people and politicians, media is crucial because it shapes democratic processes including publishing news, sharing current concerns that require further examination, and enabling citizens to participate actively in governmental affairs. The disadvantage of the media is that it shapes public opinion and influences how the general public may respond. This influences people's political behaviour and could have an impact on voting. It might be argued that the media is a good tool for helping with governmental difficulties, but it also affects how the general public views these concerns. Because the media has complete sway over our government, the way it is covered matters. Because of this, there is media bias and a control over the news and public opinion.

The Star Tribune had an editorial leaning in favour of grams since the newspaper wrote favourably about him, despite the fact that there was not a significant percentage difference. Grams received 24% of the Pioneer Press's media attention, Dayton received 25%, and both received 51%. The Pioneer Press, despite remaining impartial, painted Grams in a negative light due of the lawsuit scenario. The fact that Dayton won the election demonstrates the importance of print media coverage, since daily newspaper readers will consider and cast their votes based on particular criteria presented. In general, media news reporting lacks balance and isn't impartial, and it was present in practically every election. Also, the media stimulates popular speech and influences government policy during elections.

According to the Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Philosophy, politics is "a process whereby a group of people, whose opinions or interests are initially divergent, reach collective judgements which are commonly perceived as binding on the group, and enforced as common policy. In coalition politics, where acquiring power is the main objective, this is particularly true And coalition politics are a current reality in many nations throughout the world, including Greece, the birthplace of democracy (as well as India and the UK). Politics are not or should not be of interest to everyone. For instance, a large portion of today's youth are disinterested in politics because they believe that morality, leadership, and political dialogue are all declining. Many people who enter politics do so after inheriting a political mantle (come from political families) or because they have financial clout, which is necessary for lubricating their own political apparatus.

Citation: Davide M (2023) The Role of Media in Political Communication and its Impact on Democracy and Public Opinion. Global J Interdiscipl Soc Sci.12:046

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