Review - (2021) Volume 7, Issue 1
Received: 08-Feb-2021 Published: 01-Mar-2021, DOI: 2573-4598.
Not only demographic change, economic developments, the increase in the prevalence or incidence of any progressive diseases, multimorbidity, the various family and cultural living conditions or the lack of experience with the dying process promote the appeal for changes in current health conditions , but, or Above all, the understanding of the profession within the health professions. It should not be underestimated that it is carried on the back of people who are already impaired by pathological changes, such as a disease process. This is often accompanied by challenges in the four dimensions (physical /psychological / social / spiritual), which affects other factors such as emotional and mental processes or financial resources, the social and family network, changes in work work processes, the living environment or others.
Not only demographicchange, economic developments, the increase in the prevalence or incidence of any progressive diseases, multimorbidity, the various family and cultural living conditions or the lack of experience with the dying process promote the appeal for changes in current health conditions , but, or Above all, the understanding of the profession within the health professions. It should not be underestimated that it is carried on the back of people who are already impaired by pathological changes, such as a disease process. This is often accompanied by challenges in the four dimensions (physical/psychological/social/spiritual), which affects other factors such as emotional and mental processes or financial resources, the social and family network, changes in work work processes, the living environment or others.
Citation: Herzog A (2021). The Completion of the Nursing Professionalization Process or the Further Development of the Nursing Profession. J Pat Care 7:154.
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