Opinion Article - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 4

Syndrome of Newborn Gastrointestinal Interruption
William Cochran*
Department of Pediatrics, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
*Correspondence: William Cochran, Department of Pediatrics, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, Email:

Received: 31-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. JNB-22-16663; Editor assigned: 04-Apr-2022, Pre QC No. JNB-22-16663(PQ); Reviewed: 20-Apr-2022, QC No. JNB-22-16633; Revised: 25-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. JNB-22-16663(R); Published: 03-May-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2167-0897.22.11.342


The most prevalent surgical emergency in the newborn era are intestinal disruptions. For optimal patient management, an early and precise identification of intestinal blockage is critical. On the basis of the number of dilated bowel loops observed on the initial abdominal radiographs, intestinal obstruction in newborns can be classified as high or low obstruction for evaluation and diagnosis. Although high intestinal blockage is associated with three or fewer dilated bowel loops, low intestinal obstruction is associated with more than three. According to the level of blockage, high intestinal interruption occurs proximal to the ileum, resulting in diverse combinations of gastric, duodenal, and jejunal dilatation. Low intestinal interruption, on the other hand, affects the distal ileum or colon and causes diffuse dilatation of several small bowel loops. Despite the fact that newborns with characteristic radiographic signs of high intestinal obstruction, such as duodenal atresia, may be operated on without further imaging, an upper gastrointestinal series is usually undertaken for further examination. In neonates, an enema examination is also utilized to further investigate low intestinal blockage.

Severe gastric hypoplasia is extremely rare. Microgastria, or a congenitally tiny stomach, is uncommon. It can appear as a single deformity or in combination with other abnormalities, such as heterotaxia syndrome (abnormal left-right asymmetry) and asplenia. Microgastria is characterized by a dilated oesophagus and a tiny midline stomach on imaging. Gastric atresia, which affects the antrum or pylorus, is also uncommon, accounting for less than 1% of all congenital intestinal blockages. Gastric atresia is thought to be induced by a localized intrauterine vascular occlusion rather than a developmental failure of intestinal canalization. Affected newborns usually develop non-bilious vomiting and abdominal distention within the first few hours after delivery. In neonates with distal gastric atresia, abdominal radiographs show a gas-filled, substantially inflated stomach with no distal intestinal air. The "single bubble sign" is the name given to this imaging discovery.

Ileal atresia is a common cause of low intestinal blockage in newborns, with a reported incidence of 1 in every 5000 live births. Similar to more proximal small-bowel atresias, the cause is assumed to be an intrauterine ischemia injury. The distal ileum is the most often affected area. Ileal atresia is associated with fewer congenital abnormalities than duodenal atresia in newborns. Bilious vomiting and abdominal distention are common symptoms in affected patients. Abdominal radiography, like other types of low intestinal blockage in newborns, frequently shows multiple dilated bowel loops. A contrast enema research reveals that the contrast-filled colon terminates near the distal ileum (in the event of distal ileal atresia), along with several air-filled distended small-bowel loops.

Meconium ileus approximately 20% of cases of newborn intestinal blockage is caused by meconium ileus. This syndrome is almost typically the first clinical manifestation of cystic fibrosis, caused by intraluminal blockage of the colon and distal small bowel from aberrant meconium concretions. The mechanical blockage caused by occlusion of the distal small bowel leads to distention of the more proximal bowel loops. Volvulus, perforation, or peritonitis can all complicate meconium ileus. Intrauterine perforation can cause meconium peritonitis (chemical kind), as well as peritoneal calcifications. In newborns with meconium ileus, abdominal radiographs frequently show a pattern of low intestinal blockage with repeated bowel loop dilatations. Due to the obvious excessively thick intraluminal meconium, despite the substantial intestinal dilatations, there is often a relative lack of air-fluid levels within the dilated bowel loops. A contrast enema study usually reveals an underused colon (microcolon) with several tiny filling flaws that reflect meconium concretions. Multiple tiny filling defects (meconium concretions) may be detected in the terminal ileum if contrast material refluxes past the ileocecal valve.

The most common surgical emergency in newborns is intestinal disruption, which requires prompt and correct diagnosis. Understanding the imaging look of various causes of newborn intestinal Interruption on abdominal radiographs might help to make an accurate diagnosis or direct further radiologic assessment. An upper gastrointestinal series is usually conducted for additional assessment after abdominal radiography reveals the presence of a newborn high intestinal blockage. Newborns exhibiting characteristic radiographic findings of high intestinal obstruction, such as duodenal atresia, may, on the other hand, be operated on without further imaging. In neonates, an enema examination is also utilized to further investigate low intestinal blockage.

Citation: Cochran W (2022) Syndrome of Newborn Gastrointestinal Interruption. J Neonatal Biol.11:342.

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