Commentary - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 11

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Rotavirus Infection in Children
Kazim Beg*
Department of Epidemic Diseases, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia
*Correspondence: Kazim Beg, Department of Epidemic Diseases, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Email:

Received: 10-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. JTD-22-19052; Editor assigned: 13-Oct-2022, Pre QC No. JTD-22-19052 (PQ); Reviewed: 27-Oct-2022, QC No. JTD-22-19052; Revised: 03-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. JTD-22-19052 (R); Published: 11-Nov-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2329-891X. 22.10.359


The infectious virus rotavirus causes diarrhoea and nausea. It is the main factor in children's severe infectious diarrhoea. Some infants and young toddlers may get diarrhoea that causes them to lose too much water (dehydration). They can require hospitalization and emergency care. Rotavirus can infect a child more than once. Later illnesses are usually less severe. For rotavirus, there is a vaccine as well.

The fecal oral pathway is the most common way that rotavirus spreads. This frequently occurs because a child does not properly or frequently wash their hands. It can also be brought on by consuming tainted food or water.

The virus may persist for a long time on hard surfaces like toys, doorknobs, and other items. Because of this, outbreaks can happen in both homes and child care centres. Children who are healthy should avoid contact with children who are ill to stop the virus from spreading.

Between the ages of 3 and 35 months, most kids affected by the virus. The cooler months of the year, which begin in the fall and last in the spring, are when infections are more prevalent. At this time, children are more at risk. Any child who is in close proximity to a rotavirus-infected child is at danger.

The doctor will enquire about the child's symptoms and medical background and examine the child physically. The virus might also be examined in the child's faeces.

The infectious virus rotavirus causes diarrhoea and nausea. It is the main factor in children's severe infectious diarrhoea. Some infants and young toddlers may get diarrhoea and that causes them to lose too much water (dehydration). They can require hospitalization and emergency care. Rotavirus can infect a child more than once. Later illnesses are usually less severe. For rotavirus, there is a vaccine as well.

The fecal-oral pathway is the most common way that rotavirus spreads. This frequently occurs because a child does not properly or frequently wash their hands. It can also be brought on by consuming tainted food or water.

The aim of treatment is to help decrease symptoms. Treatment may include:

• Providing the child with plenty of water, formula, breast milk, or electrolyte-fortified fluids (sugars and salts).

• If the child is able to eat, we can give them solid meals and we should not restrict food. The duration of the diarrhoea can increase if they don't eat.

• The child might need to go to the hospital if they lose too much water. Treatment there may include:

• IV (intravenous) fluids: A thin, flexible tube is put into the child’s vein. Fluids are given through this tube.

• Blood tests: These are done to measure the levels of sugar, salt, and other chemicals (electrolytes) in child’s blood.


Child's symptoms, age, and overall health will all affect the course of treatment. Furthermore, it will depend on how serious the problem is. This sickness is not treated with antibiotics. Additionally not advised are anti-diarrhea medications. Probiotics may be suggested by some medical professionals. But it's not obvious how successful they are.

Citation: Beg K (2022) Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment of Rotavirus Infection in Children. J Trop Dis. 10:359.

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