Commentary Article - (2022) Volume 13, Issue 7

Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Production, Toxicokinetics and Energy Storage
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Technology Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq
*Correspondence: Ammar Albayati, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Technology Iraq, Baghdad, Iraq, Email:

Received: 04-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JPEB-22-17440; Editor assigned: 07-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. JPEB-22-17440 (PQ); Reviewed: 21-Jul-2022, QC No. JPEB-22-17440; Revised: 28-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JPEB-22-17440 (R); Published: 05-Aug-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2157-7463.22.13.475


In terms of volume, diesel fuel often comes in second to gasoline. Diesel mix includes byproducts from visbreaking, coking, hydrocracking, atmospheric distillation, and FCC light cycle oil. Cetane number, a measurement of engine start-up and combustion, is the primary characteristic of diesel fuel for automotive engine combustion. Boiling points for residential heating oils and diesel fuel range from about 200°C to 370°C. These distillate fuels are wanted for their controlled flash and pour points, clean combustion, and lack of deposit development in storage tanks.

Diesel fuel production

Crude petroleum is used to make diesel fuel. This fuel contains trace amounts of the heteroatoms sulphur, nitrogen, and oxygen. The resultant chemicals are not classified as hydrocarbons when heteroatoms are joined to carbon and hydrogen in molecular structures [1]. Diesel commonly contains non-hydrocarbon substances such as carbazole and the sulphur compound dibenzothiophene (nitrogen compound).

The gasoil streams are the distillates produced by atmospheric distillation of crude oil that are heavier than kerosene. The primary blending ingredients used to create diesel fuel are gasolines. Cracking procedures can produce different kinds of gasoil [2]. Gasolines produced by hydrocrackers have excellent ignition quality, compared to gasolines produced by thermal and catalytic cracking, which have low ignition quality. The characteristics of the gasoil produced vary depending on the type of crude oil used.

Energy storage

Fuels like diesel and gasoline have incredibly high energy storage densities. Advanced batteries have the highest energy storage density for electric energy, but it still doesn't match that of gasoline. By continuing to use gasoline or diesel as the main energy storage medium, electric hybrid vehicles attempt to get around the storage density restriction. On the car, electricity is produced with temporary storage, and regenerative braking is used to recover the vehicle's kinetic and potential energy. However, existing battery capacities are frequently exceeded by the pace of charge necessary to collect the electricity generated by regenerative braking.

The brakes are required to dissipate the untapped energy, which results in its loss. Battery exchange efficiencies are low (approximately 50%) [3]. Compared to batteries, hydraulic storage exchange efficiencies are greater (between 85% and 90%), but energy storage densities are up to an order of magnitude lower.

With hybrid vehicles, there is a chance for a safety issue, especially if the power generated by the temporary energy storage makes up a significant portion of the overall engine plus storedenergy power system. A safety issue could arise, for instance, if the vehicle performs poorly in crucial circumstances, such passing on a long slope while the temporary energy store is almost empty.

Sulphur in diesel fuel

To demonstrate the intricacy and interconnectedness of environmental management challenges, consider the diesel fuel region. For many years, Europe's maximum sulphur content for diesel fuel for both the road truck and gradually expanding automotive markets was 0.2%; in some other regions of the world, it was higher. For two reasons, this sulphur was under environmental examination [4]. Even though vehicle diesel fuel only made up around 5% of the total in most industrialized areas, sulphur emissions (as oxides) needed to be reduced in the first place. Second, because of its oxidation and interaction with water to produce sulphates, which combine with soot to boost emissions, the sulphur in diesel fuel considerably contributes to particulate emissions.


Given that diesel fuel is a complex mixture of many different components, it is difficult to fully understand how it is absorbed, metabolized, and excreted [5]. Systemic effects from cutaneous, oral, and inhalation exposure to diesel aerosols have been shown, proving that all modes of exposure can result in absorption.

Diesel contains alkanes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic chemicals that are lipophilic and have a propensity to transport to areas with higher levels of adipose tissue [6]. Many of the effects seen during acute exposure are often reversible and shortlived, indicating that there is only a limited retention of the main components of diesel fuel in body tissues.

Diesel fuel's alkanes and cycloalkanes are often not easily digested and are primarily eliminated through the lungs, with a very little amount also leaving the body through the urine. The water-soluble metabolites that are produced during the oxidative metabolism of the aromatic components of diesel are normally eliminated in the urine.


Citation: Albayati A (2022) Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Production, Toxicokinetics and Energy Storage. J Pet Environ Biotechnol. 13:475.

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