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Editorial - (2021) Volume 10, Issue 12

Remote Sensing and GIS are being used to Expand Agricultural Areas
Hannah Wenng*
Department of Material Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
*Correspondence: Hannah Wenng, Department of Material Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, Email:

Received: 08-Dec-2021 Published: 20-Dec-2021


Agricultural growth area unites within the Egyptian deserts are one among the most governmental inputs that inflated throughout the last decade. Analysis of such agricultural lands helps call manufacturers in strategic designing of future comes. This review paper highlights recent analysis studies conducted to gauge a number of the fresh agricultural growth areas within the Egyptian deserts exploitation Geographic info Systems (GIS) integrated with Remote Sensing technologies considering the most analysis criteria and constraints. Moreover, varied samples of agricultural growth area unites within the Western Desert are highlighted. Field observations, sampling, laboratory analyses, remote sensing and GIS area unit the foremost common tools utilized in the bestowed case studies. This critique supports the long run governmental plans defending|for shielding for safeguarding} the wealth of cultivated lands and limits the felonious infringements on these lands which will consequently protect different lands, planned to be used for urban growth.

Egypt plans for correct agricultural growth to face issues of food security, population increase, and infringement on agricultural lands and to extend exports of products and thence increase the value. The property Development Strategy (SDS): Egypt Vision 2030 focuses on the challenges that face development processes in Egypt. Samples of these challenges include: scarceness of natural resources together with energy, land, water, environmental degradation and inadequate human development resources like population, health and education. Using the techniques of Geographic info Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS); facilitates computer-based knowledge storage and process of complicated geo-referenced and thematic layers retrieved from varied sources. This can offer call manufacturers with precise info in an exceedingly short time and at a lower price. Newly cultivated areas that were antecedently evaluated as being risky and over inhabited can facilitate in providing offered areas for urban expansions faraway from exhausted sediment lands within the river Delta and its depression. Moreover, exploitation GIS techniques can alter the choice manufacturers to induce at home with the geographic characteristics of the planned lands. Consequently, fresh residential buildings are going to be settled to satisfy the increasing population desires. The present Review paper starts by an outline on the factors and constraints utilized in analysis of agricultural lands in deserts; delineate supported “The Environmental Perspective for Urban Development” printed by the final Organization of Physical coming up with. Then, many case studies for evaluating some agricultural growth areas within the Egyptian deserts exploitation GIS were explained in details. The thought is bound to satisfy the remarked gap between geoscience, in its current state and land use call manufacturers and strategic planners’ needs. Therefore, this review focuses on the analysis studies conducted to judge a number of the new reclamation lands within the Egyptian deserts and the way they will impact or are often wedged with completely different simulated or natural factors.

Meteorological issue influences the quantity of energy (in terms of renewable sources of energy) and climate (in terms of an appropriate climate for every crop type). Renewable inexperienced energy may be a future potential that has property development for immense desert zones. Changes in temperature, precipitation, carbonic acid gas, and severity of utmost events, area unit expected to possess obvious effects on soil water convenience, carbon storage, and yields. There are a unit four main geographic zones in Egypt that classifies it; the Nile River natural depression and its Delta, Sinai, Jap and Western Deserts. The climate is characterized by being hot-dry in summer and heat in winter, and within the north, is called the Mediterranean climate. The humidness is high within the north throughout summer. This is substituted by usage fresh over once, which suggests that there's a shortage within the fresh resources, and additionally reflects the high potency of the system additionally as its sensitivity to deterioration in water quality issues which will arise. The main challenges that face the water resources in Egypt area unit to fill within the gap between the restricted water resources and therefore the increasing desires for fresh. In Egypt, water resources area unit standard (Nile watercourse water budget, groundwater, and rainfall). The Land Capability Classification (LCC) may be a system of manufacturing combos of various land capability ratings employing a set of specific constraints on the property use of soil properties, topography, drain and climate. The guiding principles behind the LCC are: “to direct the employment of the land so it corresponds to its production capability with due thought to its treatment”. These categories, drop into 2 classes, the primary area unit cheap for agricultural development and/or use, and therefore the second not cheap for agricultural development/use however appropriate for biology.

Citation: Wenng H (2021) Remote Sensing and GIS are being used to Expand Agricultural Areas. Agrotechnology 10: 242. doi: 10.35248/2168- 9881.21.10.242.

Copyright: © 2021 Wenng H. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.