Opinion Article - (2024) Volume 13, Issue 1

Primary Cilia's Impact on Brain Function and Dysfunction
Yan Chen*
Department of Neurosurgery, Fujian Medical University, Quanzhou, China
*Correspondence: Yan Chen, Department of Neurosurgery, Fujian Medical University, Quanzhou, China, Email:

Received: 01-Mar-2024, Manuscript No. BDT-24-25502; Editor assigned: 04-Mar-2024, Pre QC No. BDT-24-25502 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Mar-2024, QC No. BDT-24-25502; Revised: 25-Mar-2024, Manuscript No. BDT-24-25502 (R); Published: 01-Apr-2024, DOI: 10.35248/2168-975X.24.13.254


Aging is a complex biological process characterized by a progressive decline in physiological function and an increased susceptibility to various diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Parkinson's Disease (PD). Despite extensive research, the underlying mechanisms driving aging and age-related brain disorders remain incompletely understood. Recent advances in the field have highlighted the involvement of primary cilia a ubiquitous cellular structure in these processes. Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles that protrude from the surface of most mammalian cells and play critical roles in sensing environmental cues and transducing extracellular signals into intracellular responses. This article explores the emerging evidence implicating primary cilia and ciliary signaling pathways in aging and age-related brain disorders.

The role of primary cilia in aging

Primary cilia have been implicated in various aspects of aging, including cellular senescence, stem cell maintenance, and tissue homeostasis. Studies have shown that primary cilia play essential roles in regulating signaling pathways involved in longevity and age-related diseases. For example, dysregulation of ciliary Hedgehog signaling has been linked to accelerated aging and agerelated pathologies in model organisms. Furthermore, primary cilia dysfunction has been observed in aging tissues and has been associated with age-related phenotypes, such as impaired tissue regeneration and increased oxidative stress.

Ciliary signaling pathways in age-related brain disorders

In addition to their roles in aging, primary cilia and their associated signaling pathways have accumlated attention for their involvement in age-related brain disorders. Accumulating evidence suggests that dysfunction of primary cilia and aberrant ciliary signaling contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, including AD, PD, and Huntington's disease (HD). For instance, impaired ciliary transport and defective cilia-mediated signaling have been implicated in the accumulation of pathological protein aggregates, synaptic dysfunction, and neuronal degeneration in AD and PD. Moreover, genetic mutations affecting ciliary proteins have been identified in patients with these disorders, further underscoring the importance of primary cilia in their pathophysiology.

Therapeutic implications

Understanding the role of primary cilia and ciliary signaling pathways in aging and age-related brain disorders holds promise for the development of novel therapeutic strategies. Targeting cilia-mediated signaling pathways may offer new avenues for intervention in neurodegenerative diseases, potentially slowing down disease progression or even preventing age-related cognitive decline. Furthermore, elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying cilia dysfunction in aging and disease could lead to the identification of biomarkers for early diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression. Their involvement in cellular signaling, tissue homeostasis, and disease pathogenesis highlights their significance as potential therapeutic targets. Further research into the molecular mechanisms governing cilia function and dysfunction in aging and disease is warranted to harness the full therapeutic potential of targeting primary cilia and associated signaling pathways in the treatment of age-related brain disorders. This object provides a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of the role of primary cilia and ciliary signaling pathways in aging and age-related brain disorders, highlighting their implications for disease mechanisms and therapeutic strategies. By elucidating the complex interplay between primary cilia, aging, and neurodegenerative diseases, researchers can pave the way for the development of innovative therapies aimed at mitigating age-related cognitive decline and improving the quality of life for aging populations.

Citation: Chen Y (2024) Primary Cilia's Impact on Brain Function and Dysfunction. Brain Disord The. 13:254.

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