Research Article - (2021) Volume 12, Issue 4

Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infections using Vitality TherapyTM
Kwasi Donyina*
Department of Immunotherapy, Wellness and Longevity University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
*Correspondence: Kwasi Donyina, Department of Immunotherapy, Wellness and Longevity University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Tel: 1-647-904- 9381, Email:

Received: 11-Jun-2021 Published: 02-Jul-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2155-9627.21.12.375


Objective: Millions of human beings are dying, and world economies are being destroyed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The objectives of the Phases I and II of Clinical Trials, “Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infections Using Vitality TherapyTM” were, as the title indicates, to find prevention and cure for the COVID-19 infections. Phases I and II were funded by the author. The author is seeking funds from donors to start Phase III Clinical Trials.

Methods: Group I participants were subjected to irradiation in an infrared sauna for 30 minutes weekly for the prevention of COVID-19 infections. Group II participants were infected patients. The patients were irradiated in infrared saunas for 60 minutes for treatment of COVID-19 infections. The wavelength of the infrared is 5 to 20 micrometers. To prevent dehydration at the fever temperature of 37.5°C to 39.0°C, participants were asked to drink 500 ml or more of hydrogen- rich micro-clustered antioxidant alkaline water with pH of 9.5 or ordinary tap water with pH 7 to 7.3. Acidic beverages or drinks with pH 2 to 6 were avoided. Group III participants were asked to take 2 to 5 grams of Vitamin C daily, with food, for the prevention of COVID-19 infections. The dosage was proportional to the weights of the participants.

Results and Conclusion: Phases I and II of the Clinical Trials using Vitality TherapyTM revealed that COVID-19 infections can be prevented by 30 minutes of weekly infrared irradiation in an infrared sauna. With respect to the infected patients, 60 minutes irradiation in an infrared sauna completely cured the COVID-19 infections. There were no safety concerns. High doses of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), which produces Hydrogen Peroxide, can be used for preventing COVID-19 infections.


Vitality therapyTM; COVID-19 cure; Prevention; Infrared; Fever temperature; Vitamin C


There have been several pandemics over the years and the scientific world researched and found mitigative ways for the diseases by using pharmaceutical drugs or vaccines. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the loss of several lives and world economies are being destroyed. The races to find treatments are ongoing. Currently, various vaccines are being used to provide immunity to the pandemic. Vaccines are generally not effective as the viruses mutate. For example, influenza vaccines are produced for an upcoming flu season. The manufactured flu vaccine is generally not effective as the upcoming viruses have mutated. In addition, a large percentage of the populations are anti-vaxxers due to the side effects of vaccines. The objective of this study was to find an alternative medical therapy to prevent and cure the coronavirus infections, other than using pharmaceutical drugs or vaccines.

Review of Relevant Literature

Literature review indicates that viral infections cannot be treated with antibiotics. The author conducted a clinical trial using infrared irradiation to cure HIV/Aids on August 14, 2009 [1]. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS or Aids) is a collection of symptoms and infections resulting from the specific damage to the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in humans. The late stage of the condition leaves individuals prone to opportunistic infections and tumors. Although treatments for AIDS and HIV exist to slow the virus progression, there is no known cure. The HIV/Aids clinical trial was successful.

It is also known that Hydrogen peroxide can be used to disinfect medical instruments contaminated by viruses. One of the prongs of Vitality TherapyTM is the use of supplements to boost one’s immunity. The Vitamins used in Vitality TherapyTM include Vitamin C for the prevention of viral infections.

Human agency and oversight

It includes both the ethical and the legal dimension as it refers to fundamental rights protection aimed at maintaining the balance between human control and technical progress in terms of human agency and oversight. Human beings shall be protected both as individuals and groups, taking into account inclusiveness, fairness, non-discrimination and vulnerabilities protection as paramount interests.


Prevention of COVID-19 infections using infrared sauna. Number of participants: 500

1) Set Temperature of the infrared sauna to 39° Celsius.

2) Drink 500 cc to 1,000 cc of hydrogen-rich, micro-clustered, antioxidant, alkaline water or tap water to prevent dehydration.

3) Stay in sauna for 30 minutes.

4) Repeat (1) to (3) once a week.

5) If one feels the symptoms of COVID-19 infections, take COVID-19 test.

Treatment of COVID-19 infections using infrared sauna. Number of participants: 30

1) Set temperature of the infrared sauna to 39° Celsius.

2) Drink 500 cc to 1,000 cc of hydrogen-rich, micro-clustered, antioxidant, alkaline water or tap water to prevent dehydration.

3) Stay in the sauna for 60 minutes.

4) Take a COVID-19 test to ascertain whether one is completely cured.

Prevention of COVID-19 infections using vitamin C of participants: 650

1) Take 2 gm to 5 gm of Vitamin C depending on one's weight.

2) Repeat (1) daily.

3) If one feels the symptoms of COVID-19 infections, take COVID-19 test.

Figures 1 and 2 show one-person infrared sauna used to treat a patient in Houston, Texas, USA, in 2020 Phase I Clinical Trial.


Figure 1: One-person infrared sauna.


Figure 2: A patient in infrared sauna in Houston, Texas, USA.


After conducting 21 clinical trials successfully, we have discovered a three-pronged approach to the prevention and treatment of all curable and incurable diseases. This therapy is called Vitality TherapyTM. The three prongs are:

1) Vital Energy

• Infrared energy from the sun or infrared medical devices.

• Wavelength of the infrared is 5 to 20 micrometers.

2) Vital Water

• Hydrogen-rich, micro-clustered, antioxidant, alkaline water which is used to modify and enhance the pH of the human body.

3) Vital Food

• Multivitamins and minerals for supplementation

• Proper nutrients enhance the healing process and prevent diseases.

What is the difference between western, allopathic, or conventional medicine and the Vitality TherapyTM approach to disease prevention, management, and treatment? The paradigm characterizing western or allopathic medicine is as follows: for a specific disease, physicians use a specific therapy, typically drugs, surgery, or radiation. The treatments are disease specific.

• If one has cancer, physicians may use surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation for cancer treatment.

• If one has another disease such as diabetes, chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation will not be useful.

• If one has another disease such as diabetes, chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation will not be useful.

• One must use a drug that is specific for diabetes, such as insulin or an oral agent, for example Metformin HCl (Glucophage®).

There is a new medical paradigm, Vitality TherapyTM which can be exemplified by strengthening the human immune system.

• The human body can treat itself from any disease provided that the immune system is strengthened.

• Hence the focus of the Vitality TherapyTM is to strengthen the immune system by providing the body the energy and essential plant-based nutrients it requires for repairs and growth in an optimum pH environment. Acidic foods, such as beef and pork, are avoided.

In the clinical trial using Vitality TherapyTM to cure HIV/ Aids on August 14, 2009 [1], it was found that heat killed the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Furthermore, the article by Hirayama explains how sauna therapy works against RNA viruses, including COVID-19. The article states that, “Heat shock protein-70 (HSP 70) is increased by sauna therapy and inhibits viral protein export and replication”. In other words, heat kills viruses. Please note that there was no COVID-19 in desert areas or tropical countries. The coronavirus was imported from cold climate countries to desert and tropical countries. It is also noteworthy that the maximum number of infections by COVID-19 occurs during the winter months in Canada and in other cold climate countries. Infections decrease tremendously during the warmer months [1,2].

The human immune system is enhanced by infrared energy which increases the body temperature. The normal body temperature is approximately 36.5°C-37.5°C. Vital energy irradiation increases the body temperature to the range of 37.5°C-39.0°C which is equivalent to fever temperature. The temperature could even be higher than 39.0°C or high fever range, depending on the temperature setting of the infrared sauna. The high body temperature causes an unbearable environment for pathogens and viruses. White blood cells also rapidly proliferate due to the suitable environment and can also help fight off the harmful viruses, pathogens and microbes that have invaded the body.

The body temperature in the fever range has several important functions in the healing process:

• Increased mobility of leukocytes

• Enhanced leukocytes phagocytosis

• Endotoxin effects decreased

• Increased proliferation of T Cells

• Enhanced activity of interferon

The Centers for Disease Control stated that, “Generally, coronaviruses survive for shorter periods at higher temperatures and higher humidity than in cooler or dryer environments”. Abraham, provided, “a reasonable estimate for near complete thermal destruction of coronavirus. For temperatures above 65°C (149°F) it is expected to cause near complete inactivation with exposures greater than 3 minutes. For temperatures between 55°C and 60°C (131°F-140°F) heating should last 5 minutes or more. However, for temperatures in the range 50°C-55°C (122°F-131°F) we recommend 20 minutes or longer of exposure. At these levels, we expect the viral concentration to be lowered by log 5-7, near or below the detectable limit”. Hence, when a patient infected with COVID-19 is exposed to 37.5°C-39.0°C in an infrared sauna, the coronavirus dies [3,4].

Figure 3 shows COVID-19 cases compared by continents. Many factors contribute to the case numbers. It is my opinion that warmer temperatures play critical role in the control, management, and death of the coronavirus [5].


Figure 3: COVID-19 cases compared by region in March 2020 to June 6, 2021.

• Asia, Europe, and North America have pronounced peaks because of cold temperature. A second wave of the pandemic occurred in the winter months.

• It is believed that Latin America and the Caribbean have peaks as a result of poorer communities. Overcrowding and no adequate distancing from others are the main culprits for the spread of the pandemic.

• Middle East and Africa have low cases because of warmer temperatures. This is supported by the effect on the virus at higher temperatures (Virology) and heightened immune system when the human body is subject to high temperature (immunotherapy).

Figure 4 shows daily reported cases and deaths in the United States of America from April 2020 to June 2021. Again, several factors contributed to the number of cases and deaths. However, this graph confirms the effect of temperature on the number of cases and deaths. There were few cases and deaths during the warm months and more cases and deaths during the cold months [6].


Figure 4: Daily reported cases and deaths in the united states of America in April 2020 to June 2021.

The Effects of Vitamin C for the Prevention of COVID-19 Infections Are Discussed Below:

• High doses of Vitamin C kills pathogens, viruses, and disease- causing microbes.

• High doses of Vitamin C increases one’s immune system.

• Vitamin C is an antioxidant which produces hydrogen peroxide and removes free radicals from the body.

• Vitamin C has several other medical benefits including repairing damaged tissues and organs.

• During the cold season, one should use high doses of Vitamin C (2 gm to 5 gm, depending on the body weight, daily) to prevent and cure colds and influenza. Due to the mutation of viruses, flu vaccines are generally only 20% effective.

• The only side effect of high doses of Vitamin C that I am aware of is that it may cause diarrhea. However, diarrhea is a good way to clean and detoxify the body.


The COVID-19 pandemic is killing millions of human beings all over the world. The pandemic is also destroying world economies. Currently, vaccines are being used to curb the spread of the pandemic and also to provide immunity to humans. The coronavirus is mutating, thereby making the use of vaccines non effective. The pandemic is here to stay and will reappear annually during the winter months.

Phases I and II of the Clinical Trials using Vitality TherapyTM revealed that COVID-19 infections can be prevented by 30 minutes of weekly infrared irradiation in an infrared sauna. None of the 500 participants who used infrared saunas for prevention contracted the disease. With respect to the 30 infected patients, 60 minutes irradiation in an infrared sauna completely cured the COVID-19 infections. There were no safety concerns. High doses of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), which produce Hydrogen Peroxide, can be used for preventing COVID-19 infections. All the 650 participants who used Vitamin C for the prevention of COVID-19 Infections did not suffer from the pandemic. In addition, they were not affected by the annual influenza which is a viral disease.


Citation: Donyina K (2021) Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infections using Vitality TherapyTM. J Clin Res Bioeth 12:375.

Copyright: © 2021 Donyina K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.