Short Communication - (2020) Volume 8, Issue 5

Medication Errors during Pregnancy
Vishnu Vardhan*
Department of Pharmaceutical sciences, Mak college of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, India
*Correspondence: Vishnu Vardhan, India, Tel: 7598463215, Email:

Received: 29-Sep-2020 Published: 21-Oct-2020, DOI: 10.35248/2329-6887.20.8.293


The concern almost medicine utilize during pregnancy was prompted by verifiable occasions such as the thalidomide tragedy which had come about in birth defects and fetal passing’s in thousands of babies. Medicines utilized during this period may cross the placenta and reach the foetus, depending on their lipophilicity, molecular estimate, concentration and metabolic pathway.


In the past, a teratogen was basically considered to be an agent that caused a physical deformity. The definition of teratogen has been expanded to incorporate a broader run of unusual advancement, including total pregnancy misfortune, structural anomalies, irregular development in utero, and long-term useful defects’ [1]. As of now, the security and teratogenicity of drugs in pregnancy are based on case reports, epidemiological and animal studies. In any case, case reports and accessible studies were frequently confounded by a need of documentation, records of dosages, term, and concurrent medicines utilized [2]. Moreover, animal studies may not accurately reflect human risk due to interspecies differences. Medicine utilize during pregnancy is broad and ought to be considered as a cause for open wellbeing concern. Pharmacoepidemiological considers are useful in surveying the degree of medicine utilize by pregnant ladies and to decide the utilize of possibly teratogenic medicines [3].

Over View

In 2012, there were more than 200 million pregnant women around the world. Over the past 30 years, the number of women taking drugs amid their pregnancy has multiplied, and it is presently assessed that 90% of pregnant women consume at slightest one medicine amid incubation [4]. This can be ascribed to pre-existing (inveterate) or conditions that have created as a result of the pregnancy. A few of these conditions definitely require medicines to address side effects [5]. Common clutters which warrant pharmacological mediation in pregnant ladies incorporate asthma, depression, cardiovascular conditions, renal disease and diabetes. If left untreated these conditions may possibly have antagonistic impacts on the fetus or require post-natal care of the new born [6]. As drug specialists, dispensing medicines to this understanding group requires cautious thought due to potential deleterious impact of the pharmaceutical on the mother and developing fetus. Factors such as embryonic/fetal age, drug dose, and term of utilize, risk-benefit profile, as well as changes in pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics parameters amid pregnancy must be carefully considered. Although most drugs are non-teratogenic and may be used securely in pregnancy, customers regularly have concerns almost the potential destructive effect on the unborn child. Within the wake of the thalidomide adventure, these concerns are now and then expanded by media reports [7]. Overestimation of teratogenic risks among consumers may result in non-adherence to needed treatment and sub-optimal control of maternal conditions, jeopardizing the wellbeing and safety of both mother and fetus. Consequently, health professionals play a critical part in allaying patients’ concerns and dispersing evidence-based information. Community pharmacists are key players in managing medicine user amid pregnancy as they are regularly the first line of contact and the final proficient seen by patients after solutions have been endorsed. Equipped with information of pharmacotherapy, as well as skills in health instruction and chronic disease management, drug specialists might help avoid drug-related issues by evaluating the likelihood of fetal exposure and reviewing prescriptions to recognize any dosage blunders, as well as potential medicate interactions (counting drug-food or drug-herb). Besides, given the particular skill of drug specialists in terms of medicine and their utilize, drug specialists are regularly counselled by other wellbeing experts, and this would be the case for pharmaceutical utilize in pregnancy too [8].


There's clearly a have to be give preparing alternatives and adjusted pregnancy-specific clinical assets for drug specialists to progress their aptitudes and professional knowledge within the maternity field. Future mediations ought to moreover empower them to require up a proactive part in guiding and be capable in adapting with unclear situations.


Citation: Vishnu V (2020) Medication errors during pregnancy J. Pharamacovigil. 8:293. doi-10.35248/2329-6887.20.8.293

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