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Journal of Aquaculture Research & Development

Perspective - (2022) Volume 13, Issue 2

Major Effects of Marine Pollution
Development and Environment Governance, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China
*Correspondence: Chongguo Liu, Development and Environment Governance, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084, China, Email:

Received: 28-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. JARD-22-15938; Editor assigned: 01-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. JARD-22-15938 (PQ); Reviewed: 15-Feb-2022, QC No. JARD-22-15938; Revised: 18-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JARD-22-15938 (R); Published: 27-Feb-2022, DOI: 10.35841/2155-9546-22.13.672


Our Earth surface is covered with 71% of oceans, where these oceans play an important role in chemical and biological balance. Marine health and life were troubled by human activity where the discharge of waste materials into the sea leads to harmful practices, hazards to human health, hindrance to fishery impairment of quality for use of sea-water. Marine pollutants can damage each human beings and animals in numerous ways, and that they encompass, Heavy metals from commercial activities can get transported to nearby rivers and lakes, which damage the fishes living there and, ultimately, the human beings who consume the fish for food. Heavy metallic poisoning can result in congenital disabilities ensuing in sluggish improvement and is also carcinogenic. Most important pollutants in marine pollution are plastic wastes, agriculture run-off, oil spills, metallic and radio-active wastes, oceanic dumping, municipal and industrial waste. Sewage can be entering the sea by direct discharge of drainage from inland industries and towns which results in eutrophication, deoxygenation, foul deposits, toxic residues and reduced salinity.

Oil spills were released into to the oceans or coastal waters they are mainly as following; crude oil from tankers, offshore platforms, drilling rigs and wells, spills of refined petroleum or if any oil and waste refuse. Oil spills mixed with urban sewage, silt, plastics, and pesticides and insidious toxic compounds are pervasive and complex the pollution problems in the sea. Waste from discharged petroleum and oil refineries from ships cause heavy risk to fishery. Hydrocarbons in oils get incorporated in body tissues of marine animals. When the man consumes the fishes from oil polluted sea water, it may result in breathing problems and can damage liver and kidneys. The main and common pollutant is plastic waste in marine water bodies; many animals that live in the sea consume flotsam by mistake, as it is often look similar to their natural prey. Plastic waste when bulky or tangled is difficult to pass and may become permanently lodged in the digestive tracts of the animals, blocking the passage of food and causing death through starvation or infection.

Metallic and chemical elements have toxic or poisonous and relatively high density at low concentrations. Cadmium, arsenic, lead and so on can be seen in the water. These metallic wastes can be entering the marine environment naturally through weathering of the earth’s crust, atmosphere, from rivers and by direct discharges. The use of antifouling paint o the bottoms of boats have been implicated as a major source of heavy metals in waters. These toxic metals can penetrate in the tissues of many species of aquatic ecosystem. When we consume such fishes, it will affect the nervous system, kidneys, brain, respiratory system or even it will lead us to death. The most important sources of thermal marine pollution are the nuclear power plants and thermal power plants. Marine life is especially sensitive to changes in water temperature. High temperatures can lead to premature fish migration, spawning, lack of oxygen or death of marine life. Accumulation of unstable heat from human activities can disrupt ecosystems in the marine environment. Radioactive materials enter into oceans through fallout of nuclear weapons testing, operation of nuclear reactors through intentional and unintentional direct releases, Leakage from underground nuclear detonations, emission from industrial use of nuclear energy. These wastes can be removed or reduced by the ion-exchange techniques, precipitation of radio-nuclides. Radioactive contaminants sea water will consumed by plants during photosynthesis acts as a medium for radioactivity in them.

By this, radionuclide enters into the food chain of marine water. When men consume these radionuclide fishes, it will cause cancers, leukemia, DNA breakage and carcinoma in humans. These affects can be prevented by stabilization of ecosystem, reutilization, recycling, renovation and recharge of the waste. These are rich with marine resources like minerals, oil and marine life and the sea food supplies meat a substantial food requirement of the world’s population. Hence it is necessary to aware about the marine pollution, and to protect the marine ecosystems from the pollutants.

Citation: Liu C (2022) Major Effects of Marine Pollution. J Aquac Res Dev. 13:672.

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