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Editorial - (2021) Volume 10, Issue 12

Life Cycle of Energy-Environment
Fuyong Wu*
Department of Biology, Tsinghua University, China
*Correspondence: Fuyong Wu, Department of Biology, Tsinghua University, China, Email:

Received: 09-Dec-2021 Published: 21-Dec-2021


Horticultural merchandise square measure a vital supply of carbohydrates, proteins, organic acids, vitamins and minerals for human nutrition. The target of this study is to gauge energy use pattern, environmental impacts and additive energy demand analysis below totally different cropping systems together with pistachio, nectarine, peach and apple in Qazvin province of Asian nation. Results showed the full energy consumption of pistachios, nectarines, peaches and apples. The life cycle assessment methodology is taken into account as associate applicable assessment tool for system analysis through identification, quantification and analysis of discharged and free resources within the setting. Analysis used ReCiPe2016 methodology, 3 environmental classes together with (human health, ecosystems and resources) during this study were elite to hide totally different environmental impacts. On-Orchard emissions and chemical fertilizers square measure 2 vital factors within the environmental emissions of agriculture merchandise. The share of On-Orchard publications in pistachio, nectarine and peach crops is over seventy fifth associated with human injury class. Additionally, the quantity of gas within the system class incorporates an important result. The results associated with the resource injury class show that the speed of gas unharness in pistachios, nectarines, peaches and apples is regarding forty fifth, 40%, thirty fifth and half-hour, severally. Additive energy demand analysis shows that pistachio and nectarine merchandise have the best and lowest energy unharness altogether forms, severally. In general, it is ended that the utilization of organic fertilizers and replacement of worn instrumentality will facilitate to supply additional property agriculture merchandise. Also, it's suggested for future studies use of modeling strategies to predict the merchandise below study still as fuzzy optimization strategies to avoid wasting energy and scale back environmental impact.

Data Collection of Horticultural Crops

These lots enter the province from completely different regions and in numerous seasons of the year. Betting on their characteristics, they need completely different effects. Knowledge was collected from pistachio, peach, nectarine and apple orchards for production in 2019 employing a form. The contents of the form included: varied sources of inputs, info concerning makers and products performance. So as to realize higher accuracy in knowledge assortment and increase the accuracy of the findings, sampling is completed at random within the study space. Energy analysis to be performed in reference to the assembly of farming product. Characteristic and grouping farming systems for energy consumption is a vital approach. So as to extend potency and cut back inputs throughout production, it's necessary to grasp the energy equivalents of inputs and outputs. To increase production needs sensible designing and careful analysis of energy consumption. As a result of unwanted facet effects might occur because of lack and careless use of energy resources. A human labor unit was accustomed verify the garden’s power potential. So as to estimate the quantity of input and output energy, the energy equations. Knowledge happiness to those equivalents is obtained from varied sources.

Energy Prospects of Horticultural Products

Energy analysis to be performed in reference to the assembly of husbandry product. Distinctive and grouping husbandry systems for energy consumption are a very important approach. So as to extend potency and scale back inputs throughout production, it's necessary to grasp the energy equivalents of inputs and outputs. To increase production needs smart coming up with and careful analysis of energy consumption. As a result of unwanted aspect effects could occur because of lack and careless use of energy resources. The inputs of the supposed product area unit human labor, machinery, diesel oil, chemical fertilizers, yard manure, pesticides and electricity. Production was pistachios, nectarines, peaches and apples. a personality's labor unit was accustomed verify the garden’s power potential. So as to estimate the quantity of input and output energy, the energy equations. Information happiness to those equivalents are obtained from varied sources. In case the energy consumption potency is quite one, the quantity of energy output is quite the input energy. The LCA is employed to judge processes, products, production systems, etc. To calculate the additive environmental impacts of all stages of a product life cycle (the cycle varies betting on the system boundary).

Citation: Wu F (2021) Life Cycle of Energy-Environment. Agrotechnology 10: 240. doi: 10.35248/2168-9881.21.10.240.

Copyright: © 2021 Wu F. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.