Research Article - (2022) Volume 13, Issue 2

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Health Seeking Behaviours of Parents of Children with Allergic Rhinitis in Nigeria
Waheed Atilade Adegbiji1, Gabriel Toye Olajide2* and Abdul Akeem Adebayo Aluko3
1ENT Department, Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria
2ENT Department, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Afe Babalola University Ado-Ekiti and Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido-Ekiti, Nigeria
3ENT Department, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, and Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
*Correspondence: Gabriel Toye Olajide, Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, Afe Babalola University, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ado Ekiti and Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido Ekiti, Nigeria, Tel: +2348034656993, Email:

Received: 07-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JAT-22-15538; Editor assigned: 09-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. JAT-22-15538 (PQ); Reviewed: 23-Feb-2022, QC No. JAT-22-15538; Revised: 25-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JAT-22-15538 (R); Published: 04-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2155-6121.22.13.272


Background: Allergic rhinitis is increasingly prevalent among children in developing countries.

The objective of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of parents of children with allergic rhinitis and identify how their knowledge and attitudes relate to practices.

Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional survey of the knowledge, attitude and practice of parents of children with allergic rhinitis in our center. Data were obtained using pretested interviewers assisted questionnaire. All data were collated, categorized and analyzed using SPSS version 18.0.

Results: The response rate was 84.3%. Only 11.8% parents were aware of allergic rhinitis in children. There were 37 (20.7%) males with male to female ratio was 1:3.8.

There was family history of allergic rhinitis in 56.4% children and 73.7% could not identify the trigger allergens. The commonest identified allergen was 19.0% Inhalant. Common manifestations in this study were 69.3% allergic rhinitis, 34.6% other ENT allergy and 33.5% allergic conjunctivitis.

Ear, nose and throat specialist/other doctors were the commonest sources of knowledge on allergic rhinitis 59.8%. Parental knowledge on awareness of allergic rhinitis in Nigeria and worldwide were 45.3% and 42.5% respectively. Majority (48.6%) parents believed that allergic rhinitis was caused by spiritual attack. Only 39.7% knew allergic rhinitis could be heritable disorder.

Most parents knew allergic rhinitis could manifest with bout of sneezing, catarrh and nasal blockage in 63.1%, 55.3% and 40.8% respectively. A total of 32.4% of parents believed that allergic rhinitis was responsible for their children sleep disturbance.

Majority 79.3% of parents believed allergic rhinitis was curable. This may be achieved by 55.3% herbal medication, 59.2% over the counter drugs and 54.7% pharmacy drugs.

Conclusion: Parental Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on allergic rhinitis were poor. This is due to wide gap between expected and actual practice of the parents toward children allergic rhinitis. Better practices among parents of children with allergic rhinitis can be achieved by improving their knowledge and attitudes.


Children; Allergic rhinitis; Knowledge; Attitude; Practice


Allergic rhinitis is a nasal disorder and an IgE-mediated with induced inflammation of the nasal mucosal membranes in response to allergen exposure [1,2]. It is a common public health problem, impact on patient’s health quality and socio economy [3-5]. Despite these many patients do not seek timely and appropriate medical interventions from specialist [3,6]. It may be associated with allergy of the sinuses, larynx, pharynx, ear, eye, lungs and skin in various combinations.

Allergens are foreign protein that can induce allergic reactions. Allergens may either be outdoor or indoor allergens [7-10]. Outdoor allergens include pollens, fungal spores and dust particles. Indoor allergens include house dust mites, animal allergens, moulds, fungi, insect allergens and rodent allergens. Others were food intake, temperature change and humidity. Clinical manifestations of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, itching (nose, ears, palate, eye), catarrh, postnasal drip, nasal blockage, anosmia, headache, earache, hearing impairment, tearing, red eyes, fatigue and malaise.

In complicated allergic rhinitis, there may be associated sleep apnea, eustachian tube dysfunction, otitis media, palatal abnormalities and dental problems [11]. Diagnosis of allergic rhinitis was mainly based on the clinical history and physical examination in developing countries due to lack of sophisticated in vitro and in vivo tests equipment. This is to determine eosinophilia (serum or nasal) and total serum IgE [12,13]. There are various methods of management of allergic rhinitis which involves health education, assurance, allergen avoidance, pharmacotherapy (antihistamine, and steroid) and immunotherapy [14,15].

There is paucity of literature on knowledge, attitude and practice on allergic rhinitis in children in developing countries. To improve childhood allergic rhinitis management, an assessment of parent knowledge, attitude and practice is a significant requirement in its prevention, early diagnosis and management. The objective of this study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of parents of children with allergic rhinitis and identify how knowledge and attitudes relate to practices.

Materials and Methods

This was a cross-sectional survey of the knowledge, attitude and practice of parents of children with allergic rhinitis. This was conducted in ear, nose and throat department of Ekiti state university teaching hospital Ado Ekiti, Nigeria. The study was carried out over a period 6 months between November 2018 and April 2019. Eligible children were aged 0-18 years.

Data were obtained using pretested interviewers assisted questionnaire.

Obtained data included personal characteristics, questions related to knowledge, attitude, practice, beliefs and expectations, triggering factors, symptoms, sources of information on allergic rhinitis. Some of the questions contain multiple-response and more than one answer may be chosen.

All data were collated, categorized and analyzed using SPSS version 18.0. Quantitative variables were described by frequency distributions table, percentages, bar chart and pie chart.

The ethical clearance was obtained from Medical Ethics Committee of the institution that approved the study and informed consent was obtained from each parent.


Out of 1,800 questionnaires that were distributed 1517 were returned and completely filled. The overall response rate was 84.3%. Out of the 1517 only 179 (11.8%) parents were aware of allergic rhinitis in children. Out of 1517 children, 124 (8.2%) had allergic rhinitis.

In this study, all the studied age group was involved with peak age group of 1-5 years representing 34.6% of the patients. There are 37 (20.7%) fathers (males) and 142 (79.3%) mothers (females). Male to female ratio was 1:3.8. Urban dwellers in 118 (65.9%) were commoner than rural dwellers in 61 (34.1%). 156 (87.2%) of the parents were Christian while 23 (12.8%) were Muslim. The parent’s education level was post-secondary, secondary and primary in 58 (32.4%), 55 (30.7%) and 37 (20.7%) respectively. The occupation of the parents was 53 (29.6%) civil servants followed by 51 (28.5%) business and 32 (17.9%) artisans. This is illustrated in Table 1.

Sociodemographic features Number Percentage (%)
1-5 62 34.6
6-10 51 28.5
11-15 42 23.5
16-18 24 13.4
Male 37 20.7
Female 142 79.3
Rural 61 34.1
Urban 118 65.9
Christian 156 87.2
Muslim 23 12.8
Parent education level
Nil 29 16.2
Primary 37 20.7
Secondary 55 30.7
Post secondary 58 32.4
Parent occupation
Business 51 28.5
Artisan 32 17.9
Student/Apprentice 25 14
Civil servant 53 29.6
Farming 18 10

Table 1: Sociodemographic features of the patients.

There was family history of allergic rhinitis in 101 (56.4%) children. Majority of the parents 132 (73.7%) could not identify the trigger allergens. Identified allergens during the study were inhalant in 34 (19.0%) of the patients and ingestant in 13 (7.3%). Identified Inhalant allergens were 21 (11.7%) dust, 18 (10.1%) smoke, 16 (8.9%) perfume, 13 (7.3%) cold weather and 2 (1.1%) pollen grains. Common manifestations in this study were 124 (69.3%) allergic rhinitis and 62 (34.6%) other ENT allergy. Others were allergic conjunctivitis and asthma in 60 (33.5%) and 41 (22.9%) respectively. This is demonstrated in Table 2.

Pattern of allergic rhinitis Number Percentage (%)
Allergic rhinitis in family
Yes 101 56.4
No 78 43.6
Allergens in children
Inhalant 34 19
Ingestant 13 7.3
Contactant 2 1.1
Not known 132 73.7
Types of allergy
Allergic rhinitis 124 69.3
Other ENT allergy 62 34.6
Allergic conjunctivitis 60 33.5
Allergic dermatitis 14 7.8
Asthma 41 22.9

Table 2: Characteristics of allergic rhinitis in patients and family.

Ear, nose and throat specialist/other doctors were the commonest sources of knowledge on allergic rhinitis in 107 (59.8%). These were ear, nose and throat surgeon in 61 (34.1%) and other doctors 46 (25.7%). Other sources included friends/relatives in 136 (28.5%). Knowledge and awareness of allergic rhinitis in worldwide, Nigeria and hospital among the patients were 76 (42.5%), 81 (45.3%) and 105 (58.7%) respectively. This is showed in Table 3.

Parameters Number Percentage (%)
Sources of allergic rhinitis information
Media/Internet 29 16.2
Friends/relatives 43 24
Ear, nose and throat/other doctor 107 59.8
Is allergic rhinitis common worldwide
Yes 76 42.5
No 103 57.5
Allergic rhinitis common in Nigeria?
True 81 45.3
False 98 54.7
Is allergic rhinitis commonly seen in hospital
Yes 105 58.7
No 74 41.3

Table 3: Parents knowledge of allergic rhinitis on distribution.

Many parents 87 (48.6%) believed allergic rhinitis was caused by spiritual attack while other believed it was due to microorganisms and allergens in 64 (35.8%) and 28 (15.6%) respectively. Only 71 (39.7%) knew allergic rhinitis could be heritable disorder. Almost one thirds 55 (30.7%) allergic rhinitis is not a communicable disease. Few parents 61 (34.1%) believed allergic rhinitis was seasonal disorder while majority believed it was perennial disorder and chronic diseases in 134 (74.9%) and 143 (79.9%) respectively. This is illustrated in Table 4.

Parameter Number Percentage (%)
Causes of allergic rhinitis is?
Microorganisms 64 35.8
Harmless foreign substance (allergens) 28 15.6
Spiritual attack 87 48.6
Is allergic rhinitis from parent’s gene?
True 71 39.7
False 108 60.3
Is allergic rhinitis from person to person?
True 124 69.3
False 55 30.7
Is allergic rhinitis occurred during season?
Yes 61 34.1
No 118 65.9
Is allergic rhinitis occurred round the year?
Yes 134 74.9
No 45 25.1
Is allergic rhinitis long standing diseases?
Yes 143 79.9
No 36 20.1

Table 4: Parents knowledge on aetiology of allergic rhinitis.

In this study, most parents knew allergic rhinitis could manifest with nasal symptoms such as bout of sneezing, catarrh and nasal blockage in 113 (63.1%), 99 (55.3%) and 73 (40.8%) respectively. Majority 131 (73.2%) of the parents knew allergic rhinitis could be responsible for itching ear, throat and eye. About half 87 (48.6%) of the parents associated headache as one of the manifestations of allergic rhinitis in this study as showed in Table 5.

Parameter Number Percentage (%)
Bouts of sneezing
True 113 63.1
False 66 36.9
True 99 55.3
False 80 44.7
Nasal blockage
True 73 40.8
False 106 59.2
Cause itching ear, throat and eye
True 131 73.2
False 48 26.8
Nasal foreign body (crawling) sensation
True 98 54.7
False 81 45.3
True 87 48.6
False 92 51.4

Table 5: Parents knowledge of allergic rhinitis and its manifestations.

A total of 58 (32.4%) of parents believed that allergic rhinitis was responsible for their children sleep disturbance. Some 62 (34.6%) parents associated allergic rhinitis to have impaired their concentration. Allergic rhinitis was reported to have led to isolation in 83 (46.4%) and poor school attendance in 78 (43.6%). Most 79 (44.1%) parents believed that their child could participate in home work and errand if their allergic rhinitis was under control as shown in Table 6.

Parameter Number Percentage (%)
Reduces sleep quality
True 58 32.4
False 121 67.6
Impairing concentration 
True 62 34.6
False 117 65.4
Absent from functions (isolation)
True 83 46.4
False 96 53.6
Poor school attendance
True 78 43.6
False 101 56.4
Poor work performance    
True 79 44.1
False 100 55.9

Table 6: Parents knowledge of allergic rhinitis on quality of life.

All 179 (100.0%) of children had not undergone any allergen tests. Regarding avoidance of allergens, 88 (49.2%) of parents of children controlled suspected allergens regularly if known. Most parents prevent their child being exposed to allergens, 21 (11.7%) dust, 18 (10.1%) smoke and 16 (8.9%) perfume. Majority 142 (79.3%) of the parents believed allergic rhinitis could be cured. This may be achieved by 99 (55.3%) herbal medication, 106 (59.2%) over the counter drugs and 98 (54.7%) pharmacy drugs. Many 148 (82.7%) parents of children insisted on their child shall adhere to their ear, nose and throat specialist care/surgical intervention. This is demonstrated in Table 7.

Parameter Number Percentage (%)
Allergic tests
Yes O 0
No 179 100
Avoidance of allergens
True 88 49.2
False 91 50.8
True 142 79.3
False 37 20.7
Prayer/spiritual intervention
True 135 75.4
False 44 24.6
True 99 55.3
False 80 44.7
Over the counter drugs
True 106 59.2
False 73 40.8
Pharmacy drugs
True 98 54.7
False 81 45 3
Specialist care/Surgery
True 148 82.7
False 31 17.3

Table 7: Parent attitude and practice of management of allergic rhinitis.


There is high response rate in the questionnaire distributed to the parents. In our analysis of the Knowledge Attitude and Practice of parents of children with allergic rhinitis there was a wide gap between the expected and actual practices of the disorder. Attitude towards allergic rhinitis were also deficient in the care process of the parents. It is worthy of note that sociodemographic features of parents of the children with allergic rhinitis were not significantly related to the level of knowledge about childhood allergic rhinitis [16,17].

Majority of parents were mother with few fathers which may be the reasons for deficient response. Both parental participations could improve attitude and practice in our community. Majority of the patients and parents were urban dwellers while rural dwellers are poorly represented. This implies that there is poor knowledge, attitude and practice among rural dwellers. There is high knowledge on family history of allergic rhinitis and types of allergies but poor knowledge on trigger allergens [18]. There is need for parent education so that they can identify trigger allergens in order to improve their allergic rhinitis management practices.

Parental allergic rhinitis related knowledge is low with a lack of awareness of allergic rhinitis both local and international distributions [19]. These findings may be related to low level of health education and general lower exposure among parents in developing countries compare with advanced countries.

The level of knowledge among parents in the present study on aetiology, acquired as well as pathogenesis and nature of the allergic rhinitis in their children was found to be lower. Severe deficit of knowledge was observed particularly in questions related to the causes. This may be due to nature of health talk given to parents and their children in the clinic [20,21]. This health education was mainly on symptoms recognition, avoidance of allergens and presentation to the expert for prompt care. Parents in this demonstrated high skill in the level of knowledge and awareness of the symptom’s recognition in their children.

This study has been able to highlight the level of knowledge of parents about childhood allergic rhinitis and quality of life. In this survey, few parents would not allow their children to participate in various childhood play and activities, even if their allergic rhinitis was well controlled. There is a high level of awareness and knowledge on allergic rhinitis and restrictions on daily activities of their children [22]. The limitation in this study is that instruments for obtaining quality of life were not used in this study.

Allergic test was not carried out in this study due to its faulty and the scarcity of allergic kit in our centre as in some centres in developing countries. Parents in this study displayed some deficit in the management of allergic rhinitis in children [23,24]. Childhood allergic rhinitis management requires multiple complex tasks. Parents need to understand the diverse triggers and basic mechanisms of an allergic rhinitis attack, and to understand the necessity of avoidance of allergens and compliance to medication. Appropriate provision of education on allergic rhinitis shall improve healthy home-knowledge and parents to make changes in their households [24].

Parents of children with allergic rhinitis need to be informed that antibiotics should only be administered if symptoms are associated with infection and confirmed with laboratory tests. There is need to improving the quality of parent care of children with allergic rhinitis. Detailed and accurate allergen identification is essential for the proper diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and its successful treatment. Parent education and clinical advice about allergen avoidance should be provided. Referral of the patients to specialist for more extensive investigations and management is the backbone of successful outcome [25].

Dissemination of specialist information to improve allergic rhinitis knowledge from the perspective of many parents and good communicative relationships with health care professionals is vital for encouraging progress in allergic rhinitis management.


In this survey, mothers are the main care giver to children with allergic rhinitis in the family. There are poor parental knowledge about children allergic rhinitis on aetiology, manifestation, pathogenesis and nature of the disorder. This implies that improved parental allergic rhinitis knowledge and attitudes will improve parents to properly adhere to allergens avoidance and manage medication regimen. Further research work is required to develop allergic rhinitis related education programs to sensitize the patients, parents and community at large.


The authors are grateful to all the staff and patients of our institution who assisted in the data collection. Special thanks go to Ekiti state university teaching hospital for immense support and encouragement toward completion of this study.


Citation: Adegbiji WA, Olajide GT, Aluko AAA (2022) Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Health Seeking Behaviours of Parents of Children with Allergic Rhinitis in Nigeria. J Allergy Ther. 13:270.

Copyright: © 2022 Adegbiji WA, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.