Short Communication - (2022) Volume 10, Issue 4

Interaction of Lipid Based Biomembranes with Bioactive Compounds
Rubin Kloppstech*
Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
*Correspondence: Rubin Kloppstech, Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Email:

Received: 06-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. BEG-22-17510; Editor assigned: 09-Jun-2022, Pre QC No. BEG-22-17510 (PQ); Reviewed: 30-Jun-2022, QC No. BEG-22-17510; Revised: 08-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. BEG-22-17510 (R); Published: 18-Jul-2022, DOI: 10.35841/2167-7662.22.10.177


The components of biological membranes, which include phospholipids, glycolipids, sphingolipids, sterols, and proteins, define the boundaries of cells and organelles. Within each lipid classes corresponding polar and nonpolar domains, there are several variations. These amphipathic lipids' nonpolar and polar properties serve as the foundation for the development of biological membranes, with which membrane proteins interact either as peripheral proteins that interact with the membrane surface or as integral proteins that traverse the membrane bilayer. The essential functions, such as protecting the cell from the extracellular environment, giving the cell shape, are creating a matrix for the insertion of proteins, storing and transmitting energy, receiving and amplifying signals, acting as a capacitor that underlies electrical excitability, and allowing cell-to-cell adhesion, recognition and antigenicity [1].

In addition to their structural role, biomembranes perform a number of other crucial tasks, including regulating the passage of specific substances and preserving the cytosol's biochemical integrity; communicating information between the extracellular and intracellular environments; interacting physically with the extracellular phase; and acting as a biochemically active surface because of the abundance of associated enzymes, receptors, ion channels, signaling molecules, and supramolecular structure [2]. Therefore, the aetiology of many diseases is frequently entangled with pathological changes in the composition or function of cell membranes and other biomembranes.

To further our understanding of many diseases and find new possible therapeutic targets, it is crucial to study the molecular processes taking place on cell membranes as well as the variety of interactions with bioactive chemicals, whether in healthy or pathological contexts [3].

Biomembranes based on lipids

The majority of biological reactions occur within or around the cells at membranes made of phospholipid bilayers. Protein folding is impacted by the membrane, which also influences the reactions' microenvironments. It is crucial to research these interactions in a setting that closely resembles natural conditions in order to comprehend and emulate actual biological systems. It has been established that membrane phospholipid Langmuir monolayers are superior model systems for biological membranes [4].

This section will highlight studies that have used isotopic labelling to find biomolecules, comprehend membrane asymmetry, and estimate the bilayer thickness of a bacterium's plasma membrane. A review of neutron contrast variation and how it has been used to find and comprehend nanoscopic lipid domains, including those in fully functional bacteria, will come after this. A thorough explanation of the Scattering Density Profile (SDP) model will next be provided. This model's derived structural parameters are frequently utilized in various situations, including verifying the computer simulations of single component lipid bilayers [5].


An important topic at the intersection of many fields, including biochemistry, biotechnology, and nanomedicine, is the study of biological membranes. Their entire structural description necessitates the simultaneous calculation (and simulation) of a huge number of parameters, and their scientific exploration entails the analysis of the collective behavior of numerous interacting (macro) molecules. The next difficulty will be to effectively integrate various experimental research methodologies and theoretical models against a background of commonality. We need to develop theoretical models and computational efforts in order to combine them into a multi-scale description of complex bio-systems in order to accomplish this goal, which also includes improving the resolution of experimental procedures.


Citation: Kloppstech R (2022) Interaction of Lipid Based Biomembranes with Bioactive Compounds. J Bio Energetics. 10:177.

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