Editorial - (2020) Volume 9, Issue 4

Influence of Np Fertilizer Rates on Yiled of Bread Wheat Triticum Aestivum L in Sekota District of Wag Himira Zone North Eastern Ethiopia
Huria Maliak*
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health and science, Bengaluru, India, India
*Correspondence: Huria Maliak, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health and science, Bengaluru, India, India, Tel: +8147259586, Email:

Received: 02-Dec-2020 Published: 26-Dec-2020, DOI: 10.35248/2319-5584.20.9.e103


Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences (GJBAHS) is a quarterly online peer-reviewed international research journal that provides a platform to professors, scholars, academicians, professionals and students, for publishing paper in the field of Agriculture, Biology and health sciences research. The main objective of the journal is to encourage research publication. The journal also provides a forum to disseminate their knowledge at international level. The journal is an international journal and the language of the journal is English. All articles submitted are subjected to peer review process. The submitted article will be published after getting final approval from the editorial boards. The acceptance and rejection will be informed by via email. The submitted papers should be as per Author’s Guidelines and should be written in a scholarly style.

Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences accepts articles in a variety of formats including feature articles like short commentaries, review articles, research articles, responses, interesting case reports any many more. Examples of content areas which are not only limited to Biology, Agriculture and Health Sciences include, Zoology and Botany Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Ecology and environment, Irrigation, Marine Science, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Pathology and Toxicology, Pesticide science, Post-harvest biology and technology, Seed science research, Soil research and rehabilitation, Tree fruit production, Veterinary Sciences, Agronomy, Animal science, Physiology and morphology, Aquaculture, Crop science, Dairy science, Entomology, Fish and fisheries, Forestry, Freshwater science, Horticulture, Poultry science, Veterinary, Viticulture, Vegetable Science, Food Science & Technology, Weed biology, Floriculture & Landscaping, Forestry & Natural Resources, Plant Breeding & Genetics etc.

The New Year promises many exciting developments Global Journal of Biology, Agriculture & Health Sciences. Popularity of the GJBAHS can be ascertained by the reader’s interest, curiosity and support stress, The ocean is an integral component of the world’s climate due to its capacity to collect, drive and mix water, heat, and carbon dioxide. The ocean can hold and circulate more water, heat and carbon dioxide than the atmosphere although the components of the Earth’s climate are constantly exchanged. Because the ocean can store so much heat, seasons occur later than they would and air above the ocean is warmed. Heat energy stored in the ocean in one season will affect the climate almost an entire season later. The ocean and the atmosphere work together to form complex weather phenomena like the North Atlantic Oscillation and El Niño. The many chemical cycles occurring between the ocean and the atmosphere also influence the climate by controlling the amount of radiation released into ecosystems and our environment.

The atmosphere directly above the ocean does not absorb much heat by itself, so in order for it to warm up, the temperature of the ocean has to rise first. The two other ways for the atmosphere to warm near the ocean are by reflection of light off of the surface of the ocean or by the evaporation of water from the ocean surface. The temperature of the ocean controls the climate in the lower part of the atmosphere, so for most areas of the Earth the ocean temperature is responsible for the air temperature. Trees also help reduce the animals’ received a total of 18 papers, out of which two of the articles were rejected in the preliminary screening due to plagiarism or being out of the format. Around all the articles were subjected to the peer-review process, accepted & published in journal.