Opinion Article - (2022) Volume 8, Issue 2

Importance of Public Health Accreditation
Robin Wilcox*
Department of Public Health Research, University of Chicago, Bethesda, USA
*Correspondence: Robin Wilcox, Department of Public Health Research, University of Chicago, Bethesda, USA, Email:

Received: 28-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JPC-22-16195; Editor assigned: 02-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. JPC-22-16195(PQ); Reviewed: 16-Mar-2022, QC No. JPC-22-16195; Revised: 23-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. JPC-22-16195(R); Published: 30-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2573-4598.22.8.184


The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) introduces the only certification program of the country, region, region, strategic and territory health programs in September 2011, and the purpose of public health workforce in these health departments was included. PHAB has formulated actions related to some measures and public health development of certification criteria. The certification process also supports the development of future public employees, and the health department needs to be concentrated on the current workforce. The work considering the group of public health workers has developed a Long Grange Plan to expect the certified health department of labour development. Starting with the development of intentional standardization in corporate development and relocation, future issues and relocation PHABs in the problem use their quality improvement platform to emphasize current and future public health workforce. This article describes the development of employee numbers of public health certified employees, and future plans to ensure that impulses continue. The use of data from the health department certified when submitting articles is also a public health department that has completed the accreditation process, develops its own labor ability, and some of the approaches to support the development of future public health employees it also describes. The challenges facing health departments in these areas are also described. National, locals, outgoing and territorial health department national certification programs contain several standards in connection with the development of workforce.

The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) has developed, and then the standards and countermeasures to promote the health department to strengthen public health employees and strategically develop the workforce of tomorrow. It also shows the experience of the first set of health departments certified in connection with these criteria, providing vision for public health employees in 2020. It has been greatly advanced in the development of public health certification processes for the past 10 years. In 2003, it is recommended to explore public health certification as a way to improve public health department accountability, and to be appointed by the Ministry of Health and Human Service Bureau in order to take the Health Committee. As a result of the year, the central part of the disease management and prevention as an important strategy to strengthen public health infrastructure including American Public Health Association, State and Testament Hospital Association, National District Hospital Association. The Health Committee of the district health, national health and national health committee. The report published by 2006 concluded that it is desirable to promote a voluntary national accreditation program to monitor the Independent Certified Committee.

Any organization's successful certification suggests that organizations meet the review and meet specific accepted standards. Typically, certification is a continuous process that is continuously improved and continuously improved to meet excellence criteria. If the organization is certified, it is assumed that this organization has been identified by this industry in the industry's industry. Income loans, organizations may have issued recognition of this result and university. Even summer youth camping can even be certified. In some cases, certification is optional, and others need to continue to operate and raise support. Finally, certification is considered a kind of quality assurance. The public health council or PHAB's was created as a 2007 non-profit organization that was funded in the center of disease management and prevention center and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The purpose of this board was first developed and then implemented a structure that supports the health department to achieve certification. Health department maintains accreditation in five years of repulsion, but medical conferences may be familiar with site visit locations, which requests outstanding and work sectors. The Board of Directors supports the district health department and can assist staff in the process of continuous quality improvement-Adjusts the next certification estimation stage. By maintaining the agenda for the Board of conference, the Health man’s management committee can be actively and operated throughout the process, which provides important support and encouragement of the health department. For success, it is absolutely necessary that the Health Commission's management committee involves the process by participating in the District Health and Properties and all certification stages of the staff and tandem.

In summary, active commitments of the medical division in the certification process for successful success of the public health department are essential. The PHAB accreditation program affects not only accredited health departments, but the wider public health community. Regardless of the intent to apply for accreditation, health departments that do not apply are reported to refer to CHA, CHIP, and PHAB guidelines for developing strategic plans for the health department. The medical department may experience accreditation-related benefits before being officially involved in the PHAB accreditation process. The most common challenge faced by the health department applying for accreditation is determining the time and resources needed to spend on the process.

Citation: Wilcox R (2022) Importance of Public Health Accreditation. J Pat Care. 8:184.

Copyright: © 2022 Wilcox R. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.