Commentary - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 12

Implication of Artificial Intelligence in Cybernetics
Imam Birawal*
Department of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran
*Correspondence: Imam Birawal, Department of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran, Email:

Received: 21-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. SIEC-22-19445; Editor assigned: 23-Nov-2022, Pre QC No. SIEC-22-19445 (PQ); Reviewed: 07-Dec-2022, QC No. SIEC-22-19445; Revised: 16-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. SIEC-22-19445 (R); Published: 26-Dec-2022, DOI: DOI: 10.35248/2090-4908.22.11.286


Cybernetics is a thought about control and communication; it is a philosophy and a language that describe goal-oriented systems. The crucial aspect of this is that it makes no distinction between humans and animals. There is no difference between an animal and a machine. Everything that pursues a goal is essentially the same in cybernetics. Although the components differ, the mechanisms remain the same. It is obvious that connecting a human brain to a computer network via an implant could, in the long run, provide the individual receiving the implant with distinct advantages in machine intelligence, communication, and sensing abilities. Obtaining ethical approval from the local authority governing the hospital where the procedure is performed is currently required for each implantation.

Cybernetics and control theory

As the notion that humans and machines are fundamentally the same gained traction in the scientific community, scientists began to seriously consider what it would take to develop machines with human-like intelligence. And the groundwork had already been laid. One of the most influential works in computer science and mathematics is Turing's machine, also known as the "universal computing machine." And, prior to the first digital computer, an artificial neuron was created, which some regard as the first work in artificial intelligence. It was the first mathematical theory of consciousness and the brain. The barriers between machine and mind were broken once it was agreed that both systems had the same expressive power.

From then on, the interdisciplinary exchange continued, bringing mind and machine closer together. When combined with other advancements in the field of AI, it became a separate discipline. Exploring methods to achieve human-like intelligence with machines had now become its own field of study.

However, the opposite direction was also investigated. Scientists began to see computers as a means to not only understand the brain but also demystify the basic mechanisms of our brain and all purpose-driven systems in general. To this day, cybernetics and control theory are widely used in a variety of disciplines, including environmental, social, learning, and management. The emergence of this integrated space, productivity, and navigation engine enables a new type of collaborative knowledge production by a large number of humans and machines.

Integration of natural and synthetic cybernetics

Through the persistence of a new form of collectivity, this strange space of knowing, acting, and understanding is expanding and revising its own outlines. Meanwhile, the misrecognition of humans and tools as distinct entities fuels our unnecessary fear of the emergence of artificial intelligence, which can be said to have already occurred and must therefore be located in the past. Each day, it becomes clearer that we are not only already one with our machines but that it may be possible to think of humans and nature as complex emergent machines from a scientific and functional standpoint.

Cybernetics' integration of the natural and artificial worlds effectively eliminates categorical differences between object and subject, thought and image, depth and surface, and other concepts. Eventually, this immanence's radicality will make differences between things like culture, nature, science, philosophy and art obsolete. The last two decades' technological transformations have begun to threaten the exclusivity of humans' conscious and embodied experience of the world. What distinguishes our current situation from previous ones is how various human-centered or mediated epistemologies are actively declining and giving way to a new paradigm in which not only images and art but also the entire physical universe can potentially be approached and understood as functions that are ultimately invisible to human perception.

Citation: Birawal I (2022) Implication of Artificial Intelligence in Cybernetics. Int J Swarm Evol Comput. 11:286.

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