Research Article - (2016) Volume 7, Issue 5

Identification of the Toxic Pentapeptide Nodularin in a Cyanobacterial Bloom in a Shrimp Farm in South American Atlantic Coast

Pacheco LA1,3, Kunrath N1, Costa CM1,4, Costa LDF1, Foes GK2, Wasielesky W2 and Yunes JS1*
1Laboratory of cyanobacteria and phycotoxins, Institute of oceanography, Federal university of rio grande, Rio grande, Brazil
2Aquaculture marine station (EMA), Institute of oceanography, Federal university of rio grande, Rio grande, Brazil
3Post graduate program in physical, Chemical and geological oceanography, Institute of oceanography, Federal university of rio grande, Rio grande, Brazil
4Post graduate program in aquaculture, Institute of oceanography, Federal university of rio grande, Rio grande, Brazil
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