Short Communication - (2022) Volume 6, Issue 4

High-Risk Histological Infusion Therapeutic Procedures of Minimally Invasive Surgery
Delman Roger*
1Department of Surgery, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
*Correspondence: Delman Roger, Department of Surgery, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, Email:

Received: 24-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. JSA-22-17829; Editor assigned: 28-Jun-2022, Pre QC No. JSA-22-17829 (PQ); Reviewed: 12-Jul-2022, QC No. JSA-22-17829; Revised: 19-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. JSA-22-17829 (R); Published: 26-Jul-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2684-1606.22.06.182


Minimally invasive surgery involves only a few sutures and minor incisions (cuts) during surgery. One or more tiny incisions may be created on the body during minimally invasive surgery. To perform the surgery, tiny surgical instruments are placed into other incisions. In comparison to conventional surgery, minimally invasive surgery may result in less pain, scarring, and injury to good tissue and the patient may recover more quickly. In contrast to open surgery, minimally invasive surgery uses many procedures to perform operations on patients. Minimally invasive surgery typically results in less discomfort, a shorter hospital stay, and fewer complications [1]. Generally speaking, it is seen as safer than open surgery. In conventional open surgery, the doctor makes a single, significant incision to view the area of your body they're operating on but in minimally invasive surgery, the doctor makes several tiny incisions in your skin and inserts tiny instruments, cameras, and lights. As a result, the surgeon can do surgery with less skin and muscle damage. There could be other variations in how a minimally invasive surgery is carried out depending on your operation. For instance, during abdominal surgery, the physician will use a trochar to inject carbon dioxide gas into the belly to widen the space and provide for to operate [2]. Because traditional open surgery allows for direct access to the operative site, minimally invasive surgery may be more difficult for the surgeon to perform. The process could take longer in some circumstances [3]. The many minimally invasive methods are described using a range of terms:

An arthroscopic procedure

To check, identify, and occasionally treat a joint injury, an orthopedic surgeon makes a button hole-sized incision near a joint (such as the knee) and inserts an arthroscope, a thin, flexible fiber optic video camera.


A flexible tube with a light and a camera, known as a bronchoscope, is introduced through the nose or mouth to view the interior of the lung's airways during bronchoscopy [4]. Bronchoscopy aids in evaluating and diagnosing lung issues, determining obstructions, obtaining tissue or fluid samples, and assisting in the removal of foreign bodies.


To view the interior of the digestive tract, a short, flexible tube with a light and a camera lens is utilized (endoscope). For inspection and testing, tissue samples from the digestive tract may also be collected.

Natural orifice trans-luminal endoscopic surgery

With little to no scarring, this procedure enables access to the abdominal cavity through natural orifices such as the oral, rectal, or vaginal openings.

Para thyroidectomy

Through a frontal neck incision and local anesthetic, this procedure removes aberrant parathyroid glands, frequently as an outpatient procedure.


To view the interior of the uterine cavity without making any incisions, a small, narrow telescope called a hysteroscopy. This is frequently carried out to assess uterine hemorrhage [5]. In some situations, such as the removal of fibroids, polyps, or scar tissue, specialized hysteroscopy is also utilized for treatment.


The rectum and sigmoid colon are inspected using an endoscope, a short, flexible tube having a light, and a camera lens at one end.


One of the first minimally invasive surgical procedures was this one. It entails creating very small incisions and inserting a tube (the laparoscope) with a light and a camera on its end. The camera transmits real-time images to a television monitor, enabling the surgeon to see the anatomy and carry out intricate procedures with little harm to the patient. As a diagnostic tool, laparoscopy can be used to examine organs, look for anomalies, or collect tissue samples.

Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery

This kind of surgery is to identify and address issues affecting with the lung, esophagus, and other parts of the chest. A small incision is made in the chest and a tiny camera (thoracoscope) and surgical tools are introduced [6].


While seated at a console, the surgeon controls robotic arms that will perform the surgery while monitoring their progress on a 3D image displayed on a monitor [7]. Robotic surgery is relatively new, but it has already shown promise in treating body parts that are challenging to access, including the head and neck or the genitalia. Surgeons can perform their work with greater precision and dexterity while using robotic arms.


Smaller surgical incisions are used during minimally invasive surgery, which is typically safer than regular surgery. However, there is still a chance of anesthetic, bleeding, or infection issues even with minimally invasive surgery. Obese patients benefit from minimally invasive procedures since extensive incisions on a large quantity of subcutaneous tissue increase the risk of infection or other complications. These procedures may also be more pleasant for patients with persistent pain problems, for whom a large incision may necessitate the use of additional painkillers, which is often avoidable with minimally invasive procedures. Small incisions may also be advantageous for elderly patients because they reduce the amount of time they must spend recovering in bed and increase their likelihood of avoiding complications like blood clots in the legs.


Citation: Roger D (2022) High-Risk Histological Infusion Therapeutic Procedures of Minimally Invasive Surgery. J Surg Anesth. 6:182.

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