Commentary - (2022) Volume 11, Issue 2

Genetic Variation within a Gene Population
Department of Genetics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
*Correspondence: Victoria Jew, Department of Genetics, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, Email:

Received: 01-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. RDT-22-16674; Editor assigned: 04-Apr-2022, Pre QC No. RDT-22-16674(PQ); Reviewed: 18-Apr-2022, QC No. RDT-22-16674; Revised: 25-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. RDT-22-16674(R); Published: 02-May-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2329-6682.22.11.187


Genetic variation can be divided into different forms, depending on the size and type of genomic variation that underlies genetic modification. Small sequence mutations can be either copy number polymorphisms (loss or acquisition) or chromosomal rearrangements (translocations, inversions, or partially acquired uniparental disomy). Genetic variation and recombination by endogenous retroviruses may be complemented by a variety of persistent viruses and their defects that create genetic novelty in the host genome. Numerical changes across chromosomes or genomes can be either ploidic or aneuploidy. Variations in the genomes of members of the same species are referred to as genetic variation.

A genome is an organism's whole genetic information all of its genes. The human genome, for example, includes between twenty and twenty-five thousand genes. Genes are genetic information units that contain instructions for constructing proteins. Genes can also exist in different forms, known as alleles, which leads to genetic variety. The genotype for a given attribute, such as hair texture, is determined by the mix of alleles of a gene that an individual receives from both parents. The phenotype observable characteristics of a trait is determined by the genotype that an individual possesses for that trait, such as whether that individual actually ends up having straight, wavy, or curly hair. A variety of factors can cause genetic variation within a species. Source of genetic variation in mutations, is used to change the sequences of genes in DNA. Gene flow or the movement of genes between distinct groups of organisms is another source. In group of organisms genetic variety allows certain species to survive in their environment even within a small population, organisms can differ in their suitability for life in a given environment. Moths of the same species with various coloured wings are an example. Moths with wings that are similar to tree bark can disguise themselves better than moths with differing colours. The genetic makeup of organisms within a population changes, which is known as genetic variety. Genes are inherited DNA segments that contain protein-coding instructions. Alternate forms of genes, known as alleles, define various features that can be handed down from parents to kids. Natural selection and biological evolution both rely heavily on genetic variety. Natural selection does not happen by accident, but genetic variants that occur in a population.

Genetic variation is primarily caused by DNA mutations, gene flow (transfer of genes from one population to another). Due to the fact that the environment is unstable, populations with genetic variation can adapt better to changing circumstances than populations without genetic variation. DNA mutations are changes in the DNA sequence. These changes in gene sequences can be beneficial to an organism. Most mutations that result in genetic variation produce traits that give neither strengths nor weaknesses. Mutations produce genetic variation by altering genes and alleles within a population. They can affect a single gene or the entire chromosome.

The preferred genetic traits in the population are determined by the environment. Organisms that are well adapted to the environment survive and convey genes and beneficial traits. Selection is commonly observed in nature because animals tend to choose companions with favorable traits. These genes appear more frequently in the population. Examples of plant genetic variation include carnivorous plant leaf modification and insectlike flower development to attract plant pollinators. Gene mutations in plants often occur as a result of gene flow. Pollen is carried over long distances from one area to another by the wind and pollen maters.

Citation: Jew V (2022) Genetic Variation within a Gene Population. Gene Technol. 11:187.

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