Perspective - (2023) Volume 12, Issue 3

Factors Influencing Migration Recommendations by Foreign Residents
Kang Joon*
Department of Mass Communication, Incheon National University, Incheon, Republic of Korea
*Correspondence: Kang Joon, Department of Mass Communication, Incheon National University, Incheon, Republic of Korea, Email:

Received: 28-Aug-2023, Manuscript No. GJISS-23-23629; Editor assigned: 30-Aug-2023, Pre QC No. GJISS-23-23629 (PQ); Reviewed: 13-Sep-2023, QC No. GJISS-23-23629; Revised: 20-Sep-2023, Manuscript No. GJISS-23-23629 (R); Published: 27-Sep-2023, DOI: 10.35248/2319-8834.23.12.064


Migration has been a defining feature of human civilization for centuries, contributing to the cultural, economic, and social diversity of cities around the world. In recent years, the phenomenon of overseas migration has gained increasing attention, as cities become hubs for global talent, diversity, and innovation. This perspective article aims to explore the determinants of the intention to recommend overseas migration to a city, focusing on the unique perspective of foreign residents. By understanding the factors that influence their willingness to promote a city as a destination for international migrants, we can gain insights into the dynamics of urban attractiveness and the role of foreign residents in forming the global landscape.

Overseas migration is a multifaceted process driven by various factors, including economic opportunities, political stability, quality of life, and personal aspirations. Cities around the world compete to attract international migrants due to the potential benefits they bring, such as economic growth, cultural enrichment, and increased global connectivity. The decision to recommend a city as a migration destination is a complex one, influenced by a combination of individual, social, and environmental factors.

Economic factors play an essential role in the decision to migrate and recommend a city to others. Cities that offer employment prospects, career advancement opportunities, and a favorable business environment are more likely to attract foreign residents who, in turn, recommend the city to their locals. The perception of a city as an economic hub greatly influences the intention to recommend.

The quality of life in a city contains various aspects, including healthcare, education, safety, and public services. Foreign residents are more likely to recommend cities that provide a high standard of living and a welcoming environment for themselves and their families. Factors such as healthcare access, education quality, and safety influence their recommendation.

The cultural and social aspects of a city can significantly impact the intention to recommend overseas migration. Cities that celebrate diversity, promote cultural exchange, and offer a sense of belonging to foreign residents are more likely to receive positive recommendations. Social integration, community involvement, and the availability of cultural activities all contribute to a city's appeal.

Political stability and security are important determinants in the decision to migrate and recommend a city. Foreign residents are more likely to recommend cities with stable governments, inclusive policies, and a welcoming nature towards immigrants. The perception of safety and the absence of discrimination also play a role in their recommendations.

The personal experiences of foreign residents in a city heavily influence their intention to recommend it to others. Positive experiences, such as successful integration, supportive communities, and a fulfilling lifestyle, lead to more enthusiastic recommendations. Conversely, negative experiences, such as discrimination or economic hardship, can prevent recommendations.

Social networks play an essential role in the decision-making process of foreign residents. Recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues who have had positive experiences in a city can strongly influence their intention to recommend migration. Locals influence can serve as a powerful endorsement for a city.

In an era of increasing environmental consciousness, the sustainability and environmental policies of a city can impact recommendations. Cities that prioritize sustainability, renewable energy, and environmental conservation are more likely to attract and be recommended by foreign residents who value these principles.

Government policies, including immigration regulations, work visas, and support for foreign residents, can significantly affect the intention to recommend migration. Foreign residents are more likely to recommend cities where they feel their presence is valued and supported by government authorities.

In conclusion, the intention to recommend overseas migration to a city is a complex and multifaceted process influenced by various factors. Understanding the determinants of this intention from the perspective of foreign residents is important for cities aiming to attract global talent and advance diversity. Economic opportunities, quality of life, cultural and social factors, political stability, personal experiences, social networks, environmental sustainability, and government policies all play essential roles in adapting recommendations.

Citation: Joon K (2023) Factors Influencing Migration Recommendations by Foreign Residents. Global J Interdiscipl Soc Sci. 12:064.

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